Cost of Gingival Hyperplasia Treatment in India

Somya Verma

, Treatments

Our teeth have an important role to play in our lives. Teeth help us to chew, and digest our food and also help us talk and speak clearly. Do you know there are numerous diseases related to our teeth? An example of one of them is Gingival Hyperplasia. The next question would be “What is the Cost of Gingival Hyperplasia?” 


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What is Gingival Hyperplasia?


It is a condition in which the gum tissues are overgrown around the teeth. Numerous factors are responsible for this condition like poor hygiene and side effects of using certain medication. 


It is also known as:

  • gingival overgrowth
  • gum enlargement
  • Hypertrophy


Treatment of Gingival is available but if left untreated can cause severe diseases in the gums and mouth. To know the cost of Gingival hyperplasia treatment and other treatment-related queries, book your appointment today with Gomedii and we will provide you with all the required facilities.


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What is the cost of Gingival Hyperplasia treatment?


Cost of Gingival Hyperplasia Treatment in India, conditions which lead to Gingival Hyperplasia, symptoms of Gingival Hyperplasia


The cost of Gingival hyperplasia will be in the range of 200 USD to 400 USD per tooth making it a 1000USD in India. Cost may vary according to the number of teeth for the treatment and hospital facilities. If you are looking for affordable treatment with experts contact us.


What are the conditions which lead to Gingival Hyperplasia?


Gingival (gum) overgrowth is caused by inflammation. Gingival Hyperplasia can also be drug-induced, as a side effect of prescribed medications. Some of the common medications that can cause this overgrowth include:

  • antiseizure drugs
  • immunosuppressants
  • calcium channel blockers, or drugs that are used to treat high blood pressure and other heart-related conditions

This condition can resolve once a person stops taking the prescribed medication. Keeping these in mind you can always know what is the Cost of Gingival Hyperplasia treatment. 


Some other causes can be categorized into different  groups which are:


Inflammatory gum enlargement: It occurs as a direct result of inflammation. The inflammation may be caused by plaque buildup on the teeth from bacteria, food, and poor hygiene practices.


Systemic causes: Includes Pregnancy, hormonal imbalances, and some diseases such as leukemia can trigger gum overgrowth. Other diseases that could cause gum overgrowth to include:


  • HIV
  • diabetes
  • anemia
  • Crohn’s disease
  • lymphoma
  • vitamin deficiencies


Hereditary gingival fibromatosis: It is a rare oral condition that causes slow, progressive gum enlargement. The gingival overgrowth is caused by an overproduction of collagen. In some cases, the gums will cover major parts of the tooth surfaces or cover them completely.


What are the symptoms of Gingival Hyperplasia?


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One of the more common characteristics of Gingival Hyperplasia is having red, bleeding gums.

Other symptoms are:

  • tender gums
  • inflammation
  • pain
  • bad breath
  • plaque buildup on teeth


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How can Gingival Hyperplasia be treated?


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Treatment of gingival hyperplasia depends on the underlying cause. In many cases, improving oral hygiene can prevent or improve symptoms and resolve the condition. However, if gum overgrowth is due to medication or disease, doctors may recommend surgery.


Some procedures used to remove overgrown gums include:


Laser excision. In this procedure, lasers are used to remove inflamed gum tissue. Once the gums are removed, the periodontist will scrape any plaque buildup around the roots of the teeth.


Electrosurgery. In this procedure, an electric current is applied to gum tissue to cut or remove which are overgrown.


Periodontal flap surgery.  In this separation of the gums and teeth take place. The gums are folded back temporarily to remove inflamed tissue and clean any plaque or tartar.


Gingivectomy. A gingivectomy removes a portion of gums from around teeth. A periodontist will trim and remove diseased gums, and then repair the remaining gums with stitches.


How to get Gingival Hyperplasia treatment in India?


If you are looking for a treatment for Gingival Hyperplasia in India, Choose Gomedii as your treatment partner. GoMedii is associated with top hospitals in India, As your treatment partner, we’ll provide you with the most affordable treatment in India with the latest technologies.


Get Gingival Hyperplasia treatment in India with GoMedii


To know the cost of  Gingival Hyperplasia treatment in India you can just drop a query to get treatment, our team will reach you soon. Send us your queries at Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at our team will contact you as soon as possible.


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