Treatment of Pituitary Microadenoma, Rare Brain Condition

Somya Verma

, Treatments

The brain is the most important part of the human body because it controls and manages overall daily activity. Your brain works like a machine but sometimes the brain-related disease can affect the brain, right here we are talking about pituitary microadenoma. It is a rare disease but we will tell you about it in detail like what it is and what are the options for the treatment of pituitary microadenoma.


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What Is Pituitary Microadenoma?


Treatment of Pituitary Microadenoma, Pituitary Microadenoma, Treatment Of Pituitary Microadenoma, Microadenoma Serious, Symptoms Of Pituitary Microadenoma, Causes Of Pituitary Microadenoma, GoMedii For Successful Medical Treatment Journey


A pituitary microadenoma or tumor develops in the pituitary gland. Pituitary microadenoma grows very slow, and it does not spread to other parts of the body. Most of the time it is noncancerous and adenomas are by far the most common disease affecting the pituitary gland. You don’t need to worry about the treatment of pituitary microadenoma is available and it is performed by an experienced doctor.


Sometimes pituitary tumors result in too much of the hormones that regulate the most important functions of your body. When certain pituitary tumors may cause your pituitary gland to produce low levels of hormones.


Know The Treatment Of Pituitary Microadenoma


According to the doctor, most pituitary tumors don’t require treatment. The treatment will depend on the age, type of tumor, size, and overall health.


Sometimes pituitary adenoma can be treated with medication but this decision is taken by the doctor when they will closely examine the patient health. Through the medicine tumor will shrinks and the patient have some relief from symptoms. in server, case-patient may need these treatments. It includes:


  • Surgery: The surgeon may often eliminate the tumor with the help of endoscopic surgery. For this surgeon will use, transsphenoidal technique, reaching the pituitary using very small tools and a camera inserted in a small opening made through the nose and sinuses. If this technique does not work then a doctor must open the skull to get to the pituitary and the adenoma.


  • Transcranial approach: In this procedure, the surgeon will remove the tumor through the upper part of your skull. Surgeons will use this procedure in more complicated cases.


  • Radiation: Treatment of pituitary microadenoma through radiation therapy is also possible. A doctor will use high-energy X-rays to destroy the cancer cells and shrink the tumors. Sometimes doctors will use stereotactic radiosurgery it is a special form of radiation therapy. A doctor will also use a high dose of radiation on the adenoma from more than one direction to keep the tumor from growing.


How Common It Is?


Pituitary microadenoma can occur in both gender but usually, there is no symptoms are seen in the patient. Most of the time women are frequently diagnosed by the doctor with prolactinomas, it is a subset of microadenomas.

When we talk about men then the diagnosis of inactive adenomas oftentimes occurs later in life until they convert to macroadenomas and it can cause symptoms by compressing nearby structures. Pituitary microadenoma can affect you at any age and the prevalence increase with your age.


How To diagnose?


Treatment of Pituitary Microadenoma, Pituitary Microadenoma, Treatment Of Pituitary Microadenoma, Microadenoma Serious, Symptoms Of Pituitary Microadenoma, Causes Of Pituitary Microadenoma, GoMedii For Successful Medical Treatment Journey


It happens many times the pituitary microadenoma cannot be diagnosed due to symptoms that are similar to other conditions. Still, the doctor will suggest some tests to diagnose pituitary microadenoma. It includes:


  • Urine tests


  • Blood tests


  • Vision testing


  • CT scan


  • MRI


  • Inferior petrosal sinus sampling (IPSS)


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Is Microadenoma Serious?


Treatment of Pituitary Microadenoma, Pituitary Microadenoma, Treatment Of Pituitary Microadenoma, Microadenoma Serious, Symptoms Of Pituitary Microadenoma, Causes Of Pituitary Microadenoma, GoMedii For Successful Medical Treatment Journey


It does not serious because many pituitary adenomas, especially microadenoma and they do not cause any serious symptoms and are never found. It is found in only about 77 out of 100,000 people. However, it actually occurs in as many as 20% of people at some point in their lives.


What Are The Causes Of Pituitary Microadenoma?


As of now, the cause is not known. Although some are linked with accidental changes in DNA, due to this the cells in the pituitary tumor to be abnormal and sometimes grow out of control, which develops a tumor. Generally, these changes may be passed from parents to their children. Still, it happens on their own sometimes during life, but it is not necessary. Treatment of pituitary microadenoma is available but you should also know the symptoms.


Symptoms Of Pituitary Microadenoma


Sometimes there is no symptoms are seen but pituitary microadenoma symptoms depend on the type of hormone released by the pituitary tumor or its mass effects. The common symptoms are includes:


  • Headache


  • Vision loss


  • Fatigue


  • Vomiting or nausea


  • Nasal drainage


  • Changes in menstrual periods


  • Infertility


  • Sexual dysfunction


  • An increased amount of urine


  • Unexplained weight loss or gain


Does Microadenoma Cause Weight Gain?


A microadenoma is also called a small tumor and it can cause weight gain but it depends on the tumor. How it affects the pituitary gland and the function of the tumor itself.


Choose GoMedii For Successful Medical Treatment Journey


If international patients choose GoMedii then we are your medical treatment partner and we are committed to delivering the finest and high-quality medical care treatment facilities at an affordable price. We assure you that all the treatment procedures are under the supervision of the expert’s team you don’t need to worry about it.


If you want to get the treatment, just drop your queries on our website or you can also contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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