Baby Nazomba And Her Successful Tumor Surgery!

Living their happy life in Congo, where our patient’s parents were enjoying their life with their baby girl. Unknown to the fact that something extremely heartbreaking was to hit them, they were to have tougher times ahead. Baby Nozamba was born a healthy child.


She was however diagnosed with a spinal tumor at a later stage of her life. This was diagnosed when the discomfort of the child seem to increase. This was an indication that the child must be referred to an oncologist or a spine surgeon.


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Baby Nazomba’s Successful Spinal Surgery!


What happened next? Like any other parent, Baby Nazomba’s parents took her to the best oncologist claimed in Congo. The surgery took place to remove the spinal tumor. The child and her parents were sure that the problems would be solved after the surgery. Little did they know, this was just the start of the most terrible medical mishaps that would affect their child for the rest of her life.


What is a Spinal tumor?


A spinal tumor is a growth that develops in the spinal canal or between the bones of the spine. A spinal cord tumor is known by other terms as well. It is called an intradural tumor, is a spinal tumor that begins within the spinal cord or the covering of the spinal cord. A tumor that affects the bones of the spine is called a vertebral tumor.


What are the symptoms to understand?



“We hoped that we knew about it before so that we could take the action,” said, Baby Nazomba’s father. The symptoms that you could look after to avoid the aggression of the tumor are:


  • Pain at the site where the tumor exists
  • Back pain, that feels like spreading to other places
  • Feeling less sensitive to pain, heat, and cold
  • Loss of bowel or bladder function
  • Difficulty walking, sometimes leading to falls
  • Back pain that’s worse at night
  • Loss of sensation or muscle weakness, especially in your arms or legs
  • Muscle weakness, which may be mild or severe, in different parts of your body


Was the problem solved after surgery in Congo?


Well, unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse. The parents saw themselves in more trouble and pain. Our little Nazomba was struck with paralysis and this came hard on the patients as well as the little child. She was paralyzed below the legs and this was the result of the surgery that the doctors in Congo had done.


This incident brought out the lack of good surgeons in Congo, the option that was left with the family was to get treatment outside the country. Now understanding the need, urgency, and recommendation from our past patients from Congo, the family decided to come to India and chose GoMedii as their treatment partner.


What happened when Baby Nazomba arrived in India?



It is said that a child is stronger in will and mind than we think they are. Suffering from such tragedies, our little patient was not only cheerful but also extremely excited to have traveled to India. “It is pretty and I like it,” said the child. A naughty kid by nature and a brave girl at heart she was ready to get better.


Our finest spinal surgeons in Jaypee Hospital took the case. They declared that the surgery had not been successful not just because of paralysis but because there was more to it.


The doctors had not completely removed the tumor and it still grew in Nazomba’s spine. This could have backfired or led to paralysis. While there was no chance of the reversal of the paralysis, our doctors at Jaypee ensured the child was tumor free.


A Successful Surgery!


With GoMedii team by their side and the finest doctors at Jaypee, Baby Nazomba was treated with the tumor removal surgery and it was a great success. The parents were in tears and the little girl, well, she was still ou naughty kid but happy that she would finally get to go around India.

We at GoMedii were happy and extremely glad to have provided our services and made a little girl live a better life ahead. This is something that we as a team strive to do. Contact us and see your treatment journey turn into a fruitful experience Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) call us at 9599004811 or email us at


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