Diet for a Thyroid Patient: What to Eat or Not!

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z


Thyroid patient diet, yes you heard it right we are talking about diet for a thyroid patient, that what to have or not which is good or bad. Because a diet is the main thing, and it plays a very important role in our day to day life. So yes we have to focus on our diet.  As we said earlier, we are talking about the thyroid patient and how to manage it nicely. Know more? read the entire blog, I’m sure this blog will help you out!


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Define Thyroid:


The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. The thyroid secretes several hormones, collectively called thyroid hormones. The main hormone is thyroxine, also called T4. Thyroid hormones act throughout the body, influencing metabolism, growth and development, and body temperature.


The suitable speciality of doctor who can treat your hormonal issues is an endocrinologist. Book an online appointment with an experienced endocrinologist to get rid of your hormonal problems.


Diet for a Thyroid Patient


The thyroid diet is based on two categories Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid:




Food Items You Can Easily Consume:


  • Non-iodized salt or non-iodized sea salt may be used as desired.



  • Homemade products that do not carry iodate dough conditioners, egg yolk, made iodized salt, soya.


  • Fresh fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables.


  • Frozen vegetables.


  • Grain, cereal products and pasta without high iodine ingredients.


  •  Canned fruit


  • Natural unsalted nuts and nut butter (peanut, almond, etc).


  • Coffee or tea. But remember, no soy-based non-dairy creamer!


  • Popcorn popped in vegetable oil or air-popped, with non-iodized salt.


  • Black pepper, fresh or dried herbs and spices, all vegetable oils


  • Sugar, jam, jelly, honey maple syrup




Food to be Avoided:


  •  Soya


  • Alcohol and caffeine



  • Avoid restaurant foods since there is no reasonable way to determine which restaurants use iodized salt.


  • Iodized salt: consumption of iodine-rich food can further increase thyroid hormone production, so it has to be avoided.


  • Any vitamins or supplements that contain iodine.


  • Soy products (soy sauce, soy milk, tofu) Soy contains isoflavones which have negative effects on the thyroid.



  • Egg yolks rich in iodine and tyrosine.




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Foods to be Consumed:


  • Have complex carbs like whole cereals, whole pulses, Salads, and boiled vegetables like tomato, cucumber, radish, etc.


  • The metabolic rate becomes slow in the thyroid so to make a boost that intake more Soups, rasam, lemon water, buttermilk, vegetable juices, green tea, black tea, etc.


  • Mix 4 parts of whole-wheat flour with 1 part of channa flour/ barley flour while making chapatti.


  • Add iodine-rich food like dairy products, egg yolk, iodized salt, seafood, etc.



 Foods to be Avoided:


  • Avoid the use of alcohol consumption.


  • Do not take goitrogens like spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, radish, methi, bathua, etc.


  • Soy products like tofu, soya milk, soybean oil, soya veg, etc.




What Vitamins Help With Thyroid?



Here are a few vitamins which help with thyroid include:


  • Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormone


  • Vitamin B is important for thyroid function


  • Selenium is very important for thyroid hormone metabolism


  • Zinc also helps to synthesize thyroid hormone


  • Tyrosine, in combination with iodine, produces thyroid hormone




As we have discussed earlier, Diet for a Thyroid Patient and how to manage it nicely. This diet would surely help you to live a better quality of life. To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding  Thyroid patient treatment, you can contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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