Most Common Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Symptoms and Prevention

Vaibhav Saxena

, Health A2Z

The Sexually Transmitted Diseases in people have been increasing rapidly due to the increased rate of sexual relationships between individuals of different and similar sex. Whereas, people at the younger age are widely engaged in sexual relations which is another aspect of increasing cases of these disease as young individuals are merely aware of the precautions and guidelines that must be followed before conducting sexual intercourse.


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What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases?


Sexually Transmitted Diseases are the group of infections which are transmitted from one person to another when they are engaged in sexual contact. These group of diseases is also called Sexually Transmitted Infections and STDs due to their infectious nature. The sexual genitals of both males and females are moist and warm which is the ideal environment for the microbes like bacteria, yeast, and viruses to thrive.


The microbes like bacteria, yeast, and viruses are the prime source of causing these infections. Whereas, from past recent years the rate of transmission of these diseases have increased massively that is in millions. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), every 1 out of 4 adolescences females has acquired one of these troublesome Sexually Transmitted Infections.


Although Sex is not the only way that STDs are transmitted, the infection can be easily spread. Inappropriate use of unsterilized drug needles, transmission from mother to infant during childbirth or breastfeeding, and blood transfusions can also lead to the escalation of the STDs.




What are the Common Types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Its Symptoms?


The STDs are generally differed due to their characteristics and causes. Some diseases are caused by bacteria, some of them by the virus and some by fungal infections. Whereas, there are few ones which are caused by none of the microbes and caused by some other factors like secondary diseases and infected materials. Also, the symptoms vary in each kind of the disease.


1. Chlamydia


Chlamydia is one of the most common kind of STDs which affects the most people around the world. Whereas, this condition is caused by some aggregate of distinctive bacterias. The symptoms of Chlamydia are lying below.

  • Pain or discomfort during sex or urination
  • Green or yellow discharge from the penis or vagina
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Infections of the urethra, prostate gland, or testicles
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Infertility


2. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a kind of virus that transmits from one individual to another through intimate skin-to-skin or sexual contact. The viruses of these kinds can impact mildly to severely. The most common symptom of HPV is warts on the genitals, mouth, or throat.


HPV infection can also lead to cancers that are oral cancer, cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, penile cancer and rectal cancer, However, HPV is a complicated disease which is extremely uncertain and unsustainable as the repercussions of these diseases are highly unpredictable.


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3. Syphilis


Syphilis is a kind of STDs which is caused due to bacteria as well, whereas this condition is typically ignored and unrecognized as the symptoms are minimal and mild at the initial stage. Primarily, the symptoms the visible symptoms are small round sore, known as a chancre, which can occur on the genitals, anus, or mouth.


Fortunately, the symptoms become detectable and if detected on early stage, this condition can be cured. The symptoms of syphilis during the late stages are enlisted below.

  • Joint pain
  • Weight loss
  • Rash
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches



4. HIV


The immunity system of the human body is entirely damaged due to HIV whereas the risk of attack by viruses or bacteria and certain cancers is highly increased. HIV becomes as severe as it is left untreated for a duration of time. After a small interval of no treatment, the HIV becomes AIDS with highly risky symptoms.

  • Aches and pains
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Fever
  • A sore throat
  • A headache
  • Chills

The symptoms of the HIV increases with the recurring condition of the patient. Unfortunately there is no treatment procedure to cure HIV, however, the treatment procedure revolves around managing and eliminating the risks and symptoms. The Symptoms are hardly recognizable whereas early detection can lead to better management.



5. Gonorrhea


Gonorrhea is a long-term condition that is aroused due to bacterial infection, commonly called the bacterial STD. It’s also known as “the clap” and is generally treated with the help of antibiotics. The symptoms are not generally present in people with gonorrhea whereas some people encounter few symptoms that are enlisted below.

  • Pen or Vagina discharging a white and yellow colored fluid
  • A sore throat
  • Itching around the genitals
  • Pain or discomfort while having sex or urination
  • Frequent urination

If left untreated, the condition can cause severe problems in the future, Also, this kind of sexually transmitted disease can be easily transmitted to the child from the mother as well.



6. Trichomoniasis


Trichomoniasis is a kind of infection that is aroused due to the action of the protozoan organism that can be transferred from one person to another by a physical contact. This condition is also termed as Trich which develops symptoms in one-third of the total people affected. The symptoms may include underlying factors.

  • Fluid discharge from the vagina or penis
  • Burning or itching sensation in the vagina or penis
  • Pain or discomfort while urination or sex
  • Frequent urination


7. Herpes


Herpes is an infectious disease that is caused due to a herpes simplex virus (HSV). The Herpes is categorized into two types that are HSV-1 and HSV-2. This kind is one of the most common kinds of STDs which in acquired by every 1 person out of 6 people who are engaged in sexual relationships.






The bottom line for tackling the Sexually Transmitted Disease is by adopting the preventions measures in your life. One must get vaccinated against the disease, use condoms while having sex, abstain from sex, avoid drugs and alcohol and get sex education in case of any confusion or doubt. Also, regular tests can also help in preventing the transmission of these diseases.


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