Are You Aware About These Early Signs of Miscarriage?

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

An early miscarriage is anything that happens in the first trimester of the pregnancy. The early signs of miscarriage can be confused to expectant mommies. Around 50% of pregnancies end in the first two weeks, sometimes these signs and symptoms can be missed altogether.


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Carrying another living being inside of your body is not so easy, it’s completely understandable to feel on edge about it, or to worry about a miscarriage.


What are Warning Early Signs of Miscarriage?


If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to contact gynecologist to evaluate if you could be having a miscarriage:


  • Mild to severe back pain.


  • Weight loss.


  • White-pink mucus.


  • True contractions.


  • Brown or bright red bleeding sometimes with or without cramps.


  • Sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy


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5 Common Early Signs of Miscarriage:



Here are the 5 common early signs of miscarriage, that  you can feel during your first trimester:



1. Bleeding


Bleeding is one of the most common early signs of miscarriage is usually bleeding. But not all bleeding means that you miscarriages because it’s very common in the first three months. In most cases, it’s simply a spotting of blood on your underwear. Miscarriage is more likely if the bleeding continues from light spotting to like a normal period, and if the color is bright red rather than brownish along with the feeling of cramping.


2. Cramping


When it comes to cramping, menstrual-like cramps are common as your uterus starts to expand. Other times, it can be early signs of miscarriage.


Bleeding and cramping can also be signs of other pregnancy issues, like ectopic pregnancies (fertilized egg attaches itself to a Fallopian tube). So if you’re experiencing cramping and bleeding after knowing that you’re pregnant, it’s good to get checked out with your doctor.


3. Sharp or Persistent Pains


There’s a lot going on inside your body during pregnancy, so it’s probably not surprising that you’ll experience occasional pains and aches, which can be sharp and persistent, or like a dull ache. Your growing uterus starts pushing your body organs out of the way and stretching the connective tissues that hold it in place, and that can be quite uneasy at times.


4. Back Pain


Just like cramping, you can also feel a lower back pain that can progress from mild to severe discomfort. Though, it can also be normal in a healthy pregnancy, too. The best advice is always to talk to your gynecologist if you’re concerned about your symptoms. she will help you come out with your confusion.


5. Not Feeling Pregnant


If the other typical early signs of pregnancy like tiredness, tender breasts, morning sickness, frequent urination disappear instantly,  then is it a bad sign. If you are feeling the same then you should consult your doctor.




Well, here we have discussed the early signs of miscarriage. It can be very confusing for a woman to going through with such a dilemma, but you are not alone in this anxiety. Most of the women feel it during their pregnancy. So, if you find any of the above signs or symptoms then consult your gynecologist as soon as possible, she/ he is the one who helps you to come up with the confusion.


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