Are You Aware About The ABCs of Diabetes?

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


We all remember our alphabets, but do we know the ABCs of diabetes? It is not necessary that only those who are suffering or might be prone to the condition should know about the major details of diabetes. As a precaution, everyone should be aware of what is diabetes and it’s various terminology. Moreover, for those who are already suffering from it have to know when and how to make sure that it does not become extremely pain taking in that case. While we discuss the ABCs of diabetes we would also know where and what made this concept a necessary knowledge.


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Who Gave the ABCs of Diabetes?


In order to spread awareness about diabetes, the American Diabetes Association started with the concept of ABCs of diabetes. According to ADA ” Each year, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) publishes clinical practice recommendations that include standards of care for patients with diabetes mellitus. A clear, simple message about comprehensive care has been difficult to develop because of the large number of tasks involved in fulfilling these standards of care. Providers and patients have struggled to remember the elements of appropriate care, the frequency at which tests and evaluations should be conducted, and the goals for each of the clinical standards.”



What are the ABCs of diabetes?


Here are the explanations of the ABCs of diabetes, have a look!


A stand for A1C:


The A1C, or HbA1c, is a test that helps to measure the blood glucose over a period of 2 to 3 months. Doctors usually recommend that you have an A1C test at least twice a year. It is done in a laboratory setting, which may be available at the healthcare provider’s clinic or nearby hospitals. Small changes in A1C can make a big difference in your risk for diabetes-related complications. According to observations, A1C helps lowering sugar level by just one percentage point can reduce your risk for all complications by 30% to 35% and cut your risk of heart attack by 18%. Each A1C percentage point above 7.0% tends to increase your risk of complications.


For most people with diabetes, the A1C target is below 7%. However, even lower levels reduce the risk for complications even more, so each person with diabetes and his diabetes care team should set some customized A1C goals. Here are some of the blood sugar measurements that is suggested in A1C tests.


Before meals, 70–130 mg/dl
1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal, less than 180 mg/dl


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B stands for Blood Pressure:


The letter “B” stands for an alarm for the patients and doctors of the importance of blood sugar level in preventing diabetic complications. Your blood pressure should be checked at every medical appointment. A decent blood pressure level is around 140/80. Nearly 2 out of 3 people with diabetes have high blood pressure and thus it becomes important that this aspect is taken care of both by doctors and by the patients.



C stands for Cholesterol:


Those who suffer from diabetes are asked to have a blood test to measure triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol at least once a year. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood. High cholesterol is one of the major factors that increase your risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other serious problems.



Here are the major measurements that are valuable for the cholesterol levels of diabetic patients for men and women respectively:

LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, under 100 mg/dl

Triglycerides, under 150 mg/dl

HDL (“good”) cholesterol for men, above 40 mg/dl

HDL (“good”) cholesterol for women, above 50 mg/dl



It is good to be aware of certain fundamentals so that you do not have to face any problem in future. ABCs of diabetes makes it easy to monitor the condition and a way to spread awareness about the disease as well. At our website, you would find good dietitians and experts solving your doubts over diabetes.


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