Get Better Quotes For Balloon Angioplasty In India

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z

Your heart needs extra care every time. It is said that once your heart is prone to terminal illness, there are just worse things to happen. However, you can always choose a better treatment partner to stop it. One of the ways to keep your heart in the right health is to let it go through Angioplasty, and specifically, Balloon Angioplasty in India has been saving the lives of many in the country and even international patients.


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Drop-in your queries at GoMedii and we will make sure we help you out as soon as possible. Till then, you must know all about Balloon Angioplasty as well as coronary angioplasty.


What consists of Balloon Angioplasty in India?


Balloon Angioplasty In India, consists of Balloon Angioplasty in India, eligible for Balloon Angioplasty In India, procedure of Balloon Angioplasty,


A specially designed catheter with a tiny balloon is carefully guided through the artery to the blockage, then inflated to widen the opening and increase blood flow to the heart. A stent is often placed during the procedure, to keep the artery open after the balloon is deflated and removed.


In most cases when people talk about angioplasty, it is in relation to that of stenting as well. Hence, keeping that in mind, we will also be talking about exactly how does the two help you to get an effective Balloon Angioplasty in India.


Is Balloon Angioplasty a type of Angioplasty?


YES! There are various ways by which Angioplasty can be done and balloon angioplasty is one of them. What is it all about? In this particular type, a balloon-tipped catheter opens a blocked blood vessel and improves blood flow. Medical imaging is used by the doctor to guide the catheter to the blockage.


The balloon is inflated to open the vessel and improve blood flow. It may be done with or without a metal mesh tube called a stent. The stent is left inside the blood vessel to help keep it open. Angioplasty is minimally invasive and usually does not require general anesthesia.


Your doctor will tell you how to prepare and if you should take your regular medication. Most angioplasty procedures do not require an overnight stay. Yet, the time depends on the seriousness of your condition. The caregiver will inform and guide you through the procedure beforehand.


Check the conditions that lead to Angioplasty


There a few conditions that might lead to you getting an Angioplasty done. They are mostly related to the functioning of your heart, but can also happen otherwise in any case where it can work. Angioplasty with or without stenting is commonly used to treat conditions that narrow or block blood vessels and interrupt blood flow:


  • Coronary artery disease, a narrowing of the arteries that carry blood and oxygen to the heart muscle.
  • Narrowing of the large arteries due to hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. This is a build-up of cholesterol and other fatty deposits, called plaques, on the artery walls.
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD), a narrowing of the arteries in the legs or arms. Carotid artery stenosis, a narrowing of the neck arteries supplying blood to the brain.
  • Narrowing or blockage in the veins in the chest, abdomen, pelvis, arms, and legs. Renal vascular hypertension, high blood pressure caused by a narrowing of the kidney arteries. Angioplasty and stenting may be used to help improve kidney function.
  • Narrowing in dialysis fistula or grafts. Fistulas and grafts are artificial blood vessel connections doctors use in kidney dialysis. Angioplasty is generally used when these connections become narrow or blocked. Stenting may also be needed in some cases.


Am I eligible for Balloon Angioplasty In India?


There are certain conditions as mentioned above put you in the need of preparing for an Angioplasty. Angioplasty is often used when there is less severe narrowing or blockage in your arteries and when the blockage can be reached during the procedure.

CABG might be chosen if you have severe heart disease, multiple arteries that are blocked, or if you have diabetes or heart failure.


Angioplasty also is used as an emergency procedure during a heart attack. As plaque builds up in the coronary arteries, it can burst, causing a blood clot to form on its surface. If the clot becomes large enough, it can mostly or completely block blood flow to part of the heart muscle.


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What is the procedure of Balloon Angioplasty?


Balloon Angioplasty In India, consists of Balloon Angioplasty in India, eligible for Balloon Angioplasty In India, procedure of Balloon Angioplasty,



The basic  Angioplasty is followed, with some variation in the procedure. Here is what exactly does happen in the process.


Local anesthesia will be injected into the skin at the insertion site. This may be in your leg, arm, or wrist. You may feel some stinging at the site for a few seconds after the local anesthetic is injected.


Once the local anesthesia has taken effect, a sheath, or introducer, will be put into the blood vessel (often at the groin). This is a plastic tube through which the catheter will be threaded into the blood vessel and advanced into the heart.


The catheter will be threaded through the sheath into the blood vessel. The doctor will advance the catheter through the aorta into the heart. Fluoroscopy will be used to help see the catheter advance into the heart.


Where will the Catheter Be Inserted?



Balloon Angioplasty In India, consists of Balloon Angioplasty in India, eligible for Balloon Angioplasty In India, procedure of Balloon Angioplasty,



The catheter will be threaded into the coronary arteries. Once the catheter is in place, contrast dye will be injected through the catheter into your coronary arteries in order to see the narrowed area(s). You may feel some effects when the contrast dye is injected into the IV line. These effects include a flushing sensation, a salty or metallic taste in the mouth, or a brief headache. These effects usually last only a few moments.


You must tell the doctor if you feel any breathing trouble, sweating, numbness, itching, nausea or vomiting, chills, or heart palpitations.


After the contrast dye is injected, a series of rapid X-ray images of the heart and coronary arteries will be taken. You may be asked to take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds during this time.


When the doctor locates the narrowed artery, the catheter will be advanced to that location and the balloon will be inflated to open the artery. You may have some chest pain or discomfort at this point because the blood flow is temporarily blocked by the inflated balloon. Any chest discomfort or pain should go away when the balloon is deflated. However, if you notice any continued discomfort or pain, such as chest pain, neck or jaw pain, back pain, arm pain, shortness of breath, or breathing trouble, tell your doctor right away.


The doctor may inflate and deflate the balloon several times. The decision may be made at this point to put in a stent to keep the artery open. In some cases, the stent may be put into the artery before the balloon is inflated. Then the inflation of the balloon will open the artery and fully expand the stent.


The doctor will take measurements, pictures, or angiograms after the artery has been opened. Once it has been determined that the artery is opened sufficiently, the catheter will be removed.


The sheath or introducer is taken out and the insertion site may be closed with a closure device that uses collagen to seal the opening in the artery, by the use of sutures, or by applying manual pressure over the area to keep the blood vessel from bleeding. Your doctor will decide which method is best for you.


If a closure device is used, a sterile dressing will be applied to the site. If manual pressure is used, the doctor (or an assistant) will hold pressure on the insertion site so that a clot will form on the outside of the blood vessel to prevent bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped, a very tight bandage will be placed on the site.


What will happen after the Angioplasty?


After the procedure, you may be prescribed aspirin or blood thinners. These drugs can prevent blood clots from forming. Your doctor will monitor the effect of some medicines with frequent blood tests.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can probably be done right after stenting. However, make sure you tell the MRI department that you have a stent. Today’s stents are considered safe for MRI, but you may need several weeks after stenting for MRI to be safe. Metal detectors do not affect a stent. Your doctor may give you a card with stent information. Keep it in your wallet. Show this to the MRI department to help determine safety.


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To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Balloon Angioplasty in India, just drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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