Angioplasty: A Procedure To Improve Blood Flow

Somya Verma

, Treatments

Problems that are in concern with the heart, need the proper procedure of testing. One of the known procedures is Angioplasty. We will know the various aspects that are involved in this procedure. You will get to understand the need and the ways the procedure takes place.


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What is Angioplasty?


As per the, this procedure can be defined as ” Angioplasty, with or without vascular stenting, is a minimally invasive procedure. It is used to improve blood flow when a vein or artery is too narrow or blocked. It is usually done in an interventional radiology suite rather than an operating room”.


Why do people need to go through Angioplasty?


Angioplasty is used to treat the buildup of fatty plaques in your heart’s blood vessels. This buildup is a type of heart disease known as atherosclerosis. Angioplasty may be a treatment option for you if:


You have tried medications and various other lifestyle changes but these have not improved your heart health.

You have chest pain which has become frequent and pain just seems to increase.

You have a heart attack. Angioplasty can quickly open a blocked artery, reducing damage to your heart.


What are the risks involved in the procedure of Angioplasty?


Every medical procedure has some of the other risks involved in it. You can see these risks, and make the decision if you would wish to proceed with it or not.


1) Narrow Arteries after the test


Yes, you might face narrow arteries after you go through this procedure. According to observations “When angioplasty is combined with drug-eluting stent placement, there’s a small risk the treated artery may become clogged again (less than 5%). The risk of re-narrowing of the artery is about 10% to 20% when bare-metal stents are used.”


2) Blood clots. Blood clots can form within stents even after the procedure


The problem is not solved, but might be worse. There are chances that these clots can close the artery. It increases the chances of you getting a heart attack. It’s important to take aspirin in combination with clopidogrel, prasugrel or another medication. These combination helps reduce the risk of blood clots exactly as prescribed to decrease the chance of clots forming in your stent.


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3) Bleeding


You may have bleeding in your leg or arm where a catheter was inserted. This simply results in a bruise. Yet, sometimes serious bleeding occurs and may require a blood transfusion or surgical procedures.


How can we prepare for the Angioplasty?


Your doctor will give you instructions to help you prepare.

Doctors may tell you to avoid or stop taking certain medications before angioplasty. These can be medications like aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or blood thinners. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you take, including herbal supplements.


A fast just before the procedure is advised. It can be up to six to eight hours before an angiography. Take approved medications with only small sips of water on the morning of your procedure.


Gather all of your medications to take to the hospital with you, including nitroglycerin, if you take it.


Arrange for transportation home. Angioplasty usually requires an overnight hospital stay, and you won’t be able to drive yourself home the next day.


Angioplasty has its own benefits and risks. Mr. Ajeet Singh is a well-known name in the field of cardiology and you find his contact on our website. For more details on medical information, you can always visit GoMedii.


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