Fight Through The Coronavirus Anxiety Like A Hero

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

In times like these, we are bound to face anxiety issues and they are normal. We are here to tell you how to deal with the recent Coronavirus Anxiety! You must be fed up by now while dealing with the lockdown. Among all, this is the flashing news of people dying all over the world. It is a tough time for the human race and staying all shut in houses makes it even tougher.


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Things that you might feel during this Coronavirus anxiety


You might check the television a lot many times. You start overthinking and keep checking your fever, well that is one thing most of us are scared of. Even a single sneeze is making you panic. We understand “safety” but you are obsessed with washing hands and applying sanitizer!


Much trouble? Well, We are here with tips to fight the Coronavirus anxiety


Everyone is telling you and so are we, you are not alone in this. So, if anxiety is troubling you, we are here to help you. Maybe these few ways can help you get through your day.


1) Stop worrying


We know everyone is just trying their best to not get hold of the particular problem. However, if you just keep worrying every time, that you might come in contact with the virus, you are not doing it right. It will only make it worse for you. You would not be able to enjoy the time that you have received to take care of yourself.


2) In the time of panic, we face the most rumors


Do not read all the circulated messages on social media. Stop spreading and knowing the wrong information. Talk to people who are working or are medical experts instead of believing everything that you come across. This is just a way to increase your coronavirus anxiety. It will only make things worse.


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3) Read newspapers and watch a little less of the news


With the media world having so many issues and influence from platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp, you cannot really keep listening to the. The print media is better in this term. You do not have raging statements and most of the things that you see are mostly by far, the truth.


4) Use aromatherapy


Though it might sound very exotic at first will really help you through the Coronavirus anxiety, keep your calm and peace intact at this time. Whether they’re in oil form, incense or a candle, fragrances like lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood can be very soothing. Aromatherapy is thought to help in activating certain receptors in your brain, potentially easing anxiety.


You must understand that this Coronavirus anxiety is occasional, and it is getting in your way or task, these are some quick remedies that could help you to take control of the situation. If your anxiety is focused around a condition, like worrying about an upcoming episode, you may notice the symptoms are short-lived on their own and usually subside after the anticipated event has completed.


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