Know The Ways How To Get Rid Of Erectile Dysfunction

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Your sex life is probably one of the important matters you need to discuss. This is because it affects your sexual performance and also the sexual functions of the body. One such condition is erectile dysfunction. We will be discussing ways of how to get rid of erectile dysfunction.


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These might include treatments you can opt to get your erectile function back. It is important that men with ed understand the need for these ways and put an end to their sexual dysfunction.


What is erectile dysfunction?


Erectile Dysfunction, shortened to ED, is the inability of developing or holding an erection of the penis to perform intercourse or any other sexual activity. This disease is also labeled as term impotence, often.


Occasional ED should not be a concern due to its minor causes which are stress and fatigue. If a person is facing this problem constantly and frequently so appropriate measures are suggested to tackle it.


Reasons for erectile dysfunction


Major biological reasons lying behind this problem are irregular blood flow in nerves and hormonal disorder. Others can also include high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions. Heart diseases and side effects of some medicines might be the reason for your lessened sexual desire and maintaining an erection.


How to get rid of erectile dysfunction?


Male erection requires complicated steps to happen which involves the contribution of emotions, hormones, brain, and muscles.


There is a pretty amount of treatment solutions and tests available for the sufferer that can be chosen according to the condition of ED. There are effective solutions involving medication, therapies, diet, exercises and doctor’s consultation to erode this problem.


How to get rid of Erectile dysfunction by the clinical method:


Treatment Through Penis Pumps, Surgery and Implants


Implants for how to get rid of erectile dysfunction.


In this method, there is surgically placing devices into both sides of the penis. These implants are consist of inflatable or malleable (bendable) rods. Inflatable devices allow you to control when and how long you have an erection. The malleable rods keep your penis firm but bendable. This is one of the ways how to get rid of erectile dysfunction.




In this procedure, the pump is used which looks like a hollow tube with a hand-powered or battery-powered pump. The hollow tube is placed over the penis, and then the pump is used to suck out the air inside the tube. This creates a vacuum that pulls blood into the penis.



Surgery for how to get rid of erectile dysfunction


This is the best way to improve blood flow to the penis to help a man with erectile dysfunction get and keep an erection. The name of surgery is vascular reconstructive which is done by a professional and experienced doctor. A surgical way about how to get rid of erectile dysfunction.


How to get rid of erectile dysfunction: Naturally


A study published in May 2014 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine said: “men can reverse erectile dysfunction with healthy lifestyle changes, such as exercise, weight loss, a varied diet, and good sleep.”


Exercise and Diet


Pelvic muscle exercise is proven to be effective in resurrecting erectile strength of males. You should practice this exercise regularly to get better results.

You should switch to a healthy diet which includes a good amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals instead of junk. Good and healthy sleep is an additional benefit.


Sleep properly to get rid of erectile dysfunction


Poor sleep has more disadvantages that we know of. One of them is your dying sexual arouse. This would then lead you to suffer from ED

While we would not just claim it to be a reason, but research also proves such a thing. Hormones like testosterone, sexual function, and sleep, noting that testosterone levels increase with improved sleep, and lower levels are associated with sexual dysfunction.


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Quit Smoking to get rid of erectile dysfunction


For many men, stopping smoking is an erectile dysfunction remedy, particularly when ED is the result of vascular disease, which occurs when blood supply to the penis becomes restricted because of blockage or narrowing of the arteries.

Smoking and even smokeless tobacco can also cause the narrowing of important blood vessels and have the same negative impact.

If you smoke, talk to your doctor about quitting and whether prescription aids can help you.




A man can have issues with sexual performance if he is overly stressed. Stress can come from a variety of circumstances like- work, financial crisis, and relationship troubles. Finding ways to cope with these issues can help reduce stress and may improve erectile dysfunction.


Engage in sexual activities


Stimulating sexual activities that lead to even partial erections may have a positive impact on erectile dysfunction. Although, increased blood flow to the penis also helps to stimulate and improve the function over time.


Signs that tell about erectile dysfunction


ED is a disease that shows clear and visible symptoms and signs like Reduction in sexual desires, Trouble in achieving the erection to perform sexual intercourse or maintaining the erection for a long period.

There are no painful symptoms but males tend to feel stressed and disheartened psychologically which must be avoided.

Men must tackle this problem with smartness and care instead of getting afraid, shameful or embarrassed. Erectile Dysfunction is not a crime but a disease that can be controlled and cured with rightful measures.

The patient must ignore the myths and rumors regarding this ailment plus, should pick any home remedy only after doctor’s recommendation.


Ways of how to get rid of erectile dysfunction lie in the mere lifestyle changes at first.


Medications and surgical methods come really late when we are considering this situation. You must take care of your sexual health. You must understand how it affects your relationship as well. In any doubt read more blogs about this on our website. For affordable treatment with the best facilities, You can connect us through a call or WhatsApp +91 9654030724


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