Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, Book Appointment Now!

Finding a great doctor who fits your needs and does justice is difficult. Yet we want to introduce you to one of the finest in our associated hospital. Heart Treatment with Ajay Kaul is a treat for our patients from GoMedii. Why do we say that? Well, you must read through about him to understand.


His great experience and the dedication he has shown towards the field of cardiology are unmatched. A man with a smile and humble posture, Mr. Kaul is the favorite of all his patients. Read on to learn more and how you can get a slot with him if you are suffering from cardio issues.


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Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, Book Slots Now!


Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, appointment for Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, Heart Treatment In India, cardiologist appointment


Dr. Ajay Kaul is listed amongst the top cardiac surgeons in the country and has a vast surgical experience of over 20,000 cardiac surgeries. He is widely acknowledged for his expertise in treating Total Arterial Coronary Bypass Surgery, Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Valve Repairs, Structural Heart Disease, and Surgery for Cardiac Failure.


He is trained for Heart Transplants, Ventricular Assist Devices and has vast experience in performing Hybrid Cardiac Surgeries. He has also performed over 5000 surgeries that include.


  • Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgical procedures,
  • Interventions for Structural Heart Disease,
  • Peripheral Vascular and Endovascular Stent placement,
  • Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement,
  • Transcatheter Mitral Valve replacement transplants.


(Read Here: Know The Importance Of Keyhole Heart Surgery!)


Why is Cardiology becoming such high costing affair?


Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, appointment for Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, Heart Treatment In India, cardiologist appointment


As per the WHO, ” In 2016 India reported 63% of total deaths due to NCDs, of which 27% were attributed to CVDs (Cardiovascular disease). CVDs also account for 45% of deaths in the 40-69 year age group. Individuals at risk of CVD may demonstrate raised blood pressure, glucose, and lipids as well as overweight and obesity.”


Unfortunately, In India, States like Punjab, Haryana, Kerala have high patients count for these cardiac issues. It is in no way decreasing and hence if an opportunity like Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul you cannot decline.


How are cardiac issues affecting the world over?


WHO says, ” Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. CVDs are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease, and other conditions.”


We can only conclude that on a global level too it is not a nice picture. You however can take precautionary measures, like taking a Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, how? Just drop your queries with us!


What are the various surgeries you can find for your heart?


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While you can easily get your Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul done with help of GoMedii, you must know which options to choose. Here is a brief regarding some of them.


Aortic surgery: This surgery will help to restore or replace aortic aneurysms and aortic dissections.

Aortic valve surgery: Medical procedure to repair or replace an aortic valve that isn’t working accurately.

Arrhythmia surgery: Surgery to address irregular heart rhythms like atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. For those patients who have these problems then the doctor will decide to perform this surgery.

Congenital heart surgery: Remedial medical procedure to fix or treat a hereditary heart imperfection.

Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery: A surgery is utilized in which the obstructed part of the coronary artery is bypassed with one more piece of the blood vessel.

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD): A mechanical tool that helps with the pumping function of the blood.

Left ventricular remodeling/surgical ventricular restoration: A procedure that furnishes the heart with a more ordinary shape after a heart attack, permitting it to pump blood all the more proficiently.

Myectomy/myotomy: A careful treatment choice that eliminates a piece of the enlarged heart wall.

Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR): A methodology used to calm extreme angina or chest pain in patients who aren’t contenders for bypassing a medical procedure or angioplasty. After that doctor will decide to perform this surgery.

Valvular surgery: Heart valve medical procedure used to repair or replace infected heart valves.

Heart transplant: A careful choice to treat progressed heart failure, a condition that happens when the heart can’t pump sufficient oxygenated blood to meet the needs of the body’s organs.


How to get an appointment for Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul?


You need to contact GoMedii. We will get back to you for consultation in the least time and if you find it convincing, book your slots.


If you want to get Heart Treatment With Ajay Kaul, you have found the right treatment partner with affordable medical care treatment. You have to simply drop your query on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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