IVF Treatment Gives Couple The Joy Of Parenthood

Parenthood is one of the happiest moments in a married couple’s life. However, not everyone gets to enjoy that kind of pleasure. It is no one’s fault but fighting with destiny, do we all have that in our hands? Well, Amrita & Rishabh did!


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A sweet and young couple from Meerut, UP, approached GoMedii to start the next phase of their journey after 7 years of being married to each other. They surprised us in many ways if we have to be honest. How? Why? This story is about Amrita who enjoys the joy of motherhood with the choice of IVF treatment.


Where did the couple get their IVF Treatment Done?


IVF Treatment Gives Couple The Joy Of Parenthood, IVF Treatment in delhi ncr, tests before the IVF Treatment, GoMedii take care of the treatment, IVF Treatment in Apollo Delhi, IVF treatment process


Meerut is a small town in northern Uttar Pradesh. The city has a health system but is not strong and advanced like a Metro. Amrita and Rishabh were well aware that if they have to take a chance, it had to be in Delhi.


It was then that they searched for the treatment partner who could take care of the entire patient journey. To their luck and our pleasure, they found GoMedii and soon dropped a message to us!


GoMedii has had many patients getting their treatments done successfully in which we also have couples who have with great joy turned into parents with IVF treatment. Amrita and Rishabh chose Apollo Delhi for the treatment procedure to take place.


Were there any tests before the IVF Treatment?


Yes, the couple had to go through certain tests before we could have pitched them to start with their IVF Treatment. This was necessary to help them get the right kind of results. A series of the following tests were performed:


Ovarian reserve testing: This involves a few simple hormone blood tests, which can give a doctor an idea of how many eggs there are in a woman’s body, the ovarian reserve.


Why is it done? It is done because AMH gives us an idea of the number of eggs remaining, high levels of FSH. This indicates a reducing ovarian reserve, which might affect the effectiveness of IVF.


Tubal Patency test: HyCoSy: It is also known as Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography, this procedure is unique. The normal ultrasound or x-ray does not allow us to properly see and evaluate the condition of the uterus and whether the fallopian tubes are blocked or operational.


Semen evaluation: When the sperm sample is being provided, a sample is provided and sent to a laboratory for testing. Shape, motility, and concentration of the sperm are some of the things that are tested for.


In the case where the male is found to have infertility, ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, a process where a single sperm is carefully inserted into each egg using micro-manipulation tools, can be done.


How did GoMedii take care of the treatment?


IVF Treatment Gives Couple The Joy Of Parenthood, IVF Treatment in delhi ncr, tests before the IVF Treatment, GoMedii take care of the treatment, IVF Treatment in Apollo Delhi, IVF treatment process


Within 48 hrs of the query being submitted, Amrita and Rishabh have shared estimates & the first round of consultations were already done. They had requested accommodation which was arranged and they were glad that we understood their comfort so well. Once the preliminary tests were done.


3 days were decided in which Amrita would go under the treatment. The team ensured that the documents and every other extra work was offloaded on Rishab’s shoulders and he could be there for Amrita to cater to her needs.


As husband and wife, it is important that there is an equal share of attention given to both of them. We were happy and glad to see Rishabh standing by his wife to cherish the moment together. This boosted the GoMedii team and we decided to provide the couple, the best of the time with us.


Is Apollo Delhi, good for IVF Treatment?


IVF Treatment Gives Couple The Joy Of Parenthood, IVF Treatment in delhi ncr, tests before the IVF Treatment, GoMedii take care of the treatment, IVF Treatment in Apollo Delhi, IVF treatment process


While taking their feedback, we asked our couple if they were satisfied by Apollo and their hospitality and treatment. They both gave an affirmative yes to it. Apollo Hospital’s department on fertility offers several specialized investigative procedures for infertility in men and women giving couples their very best chance of a successful pregnancy.

Backed by Apollo’s 35 year legacy of clinical excellence and unbeatable expertise, Apollo brings to the table unparalleled commitment towards successful outcomes and excels in IVF treatments. Want your appointment too? Drop your query with us now!


What is IVF?


While we are on the subject, let us quickly brief you regarding certain pointers on IVF, to make your understanding clear! Biologically, an egg and sperm are fertilized inside a woman’s womb. When the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the womb then it starts growing, and a baby is born after around 9 months. It is a complete process of natural conception or unassisted conception.

IVF or in vitro fertilization is a kind of ART (assisted reproductive technology). It is a special medical method that is used to help make a woman become pregnant. It is an expensive technique so usually, it is tried when other less expensive fertility methods have failed.


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What is the IVF process?


During this process, human eggs are taken out from the woman’s ovaries and fertilized into a laboratory with the male sperm, it can be provided by her partner or a donor.


One or two embryos of fertilized eggs are implanted into the woman’s uterus or the womb. These are the typical stages in an IVF cycle:


  1. A woman’s natural period cycle is closed with routine injections or a nasal spray.
  2. The woman gets fertility hormones injections to stimulate her ovaries, which tend to produce several eggs, instead of just one.
  3. Mature eggs are collected using a fine needle, with the help of ultrasound, and under light sedation.
  4. The matured eggs and sperm are fertilized in the laboratory.
  5. Fertilized eggs which are medically known as embryos are grown in an incubator for some days.
  6. Either one or two healthy embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus by the insertion of a tube through the vagina and cervix.
  7. If embryo implantation is successful, then the woman becomes pregnant. The pregnancy confirms after two weeks with a pregnancy test.
  8. If any embryos are left then they can be stored for later use if needed.


To Know More, Drop your query on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Amrita And Rishabh Thank GoMedii!


IVF Treatment Gives Couple The Joy Of Parenthood, IVF Treatment in delhi ncr, tests before the IVF Treatment, GoMedii take care of the treatment, IVF Treatment in Apollo Delhi, IVF treatment process


At the end of the cycle, Amrita got her news in the next 3 weeks. She was overwhelmed and contacted us for heartfelt gratitude. Rishabh also wished us luck and thanked us for standing by them in this journey. We on behalf of the team wish them great and wonderful parenthood ahead! 


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