High blood pressure in children: Know The Symptoms

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z



High Blood Pressure in children! Yeah, it creates a tension for every parent whose child is suffering from this. This is not common in children but yes it is quite common in adults. Basically, it happens when the pressure comes in the child’s arteries is higher than it should be. It can create headache, puke, majorly chest pain. If you are getting worried about your child and you eagerly want to know more about this then read this entire blog.



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What is High Blood Pressure in Children?


High blood pressure in children is frequently related to other health conditions like- heart defects, kidney disease, genetic conditions or hormonal disorders. Older children especially those who are overweight are more likely to have primary hypertension.



High blood pressure in children younger than 6 years old is usually caused by another medical condition. Older children can develop high blood pressure for the same reasons adults do excess weight, poor nutrition and lack of exercise.


Lifestyle changes, such as eating a heart-healthy diet and exercising more, can help reduce high blood pressure in children. But for some children, medications may be necessary.


What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure in Children?



There are a few symptoms of high blood pressure in children such as:






  • Chest pains


  • Fast, pounding, or fluttering heartbeat (palpitations)



Treating High Blood Pressure in Children



1. Follow the eating plan



Diet is the best way to control high BP in children. The diet plan includes eating less fat and saturated fat as well as eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain foods. Limiting salt intake can also help lower a child’s blood pressure. A dietitian can help you and your child find ways to meet these goals without giving up favorite foods or great flavor.



2. Watch your child’s weight



Being overweight increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. Following the DASH eating plan and getting regular exercise can help your child lose weight. Ask your child’s doctor to help set goals for losing weight. Your child’s doctor can also refer you to other health care professionals for assistance in setting up a weight-loss plan.



3. Avoid tobacco smoke



Tobacco smoke can make blood pressure rise; it can also directly damage your child’s heart and blood vessels. Protect your child from tobacco smoke even secondhand smoke.


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What Causes Hypertension in a Child?



Children and adolescents with primary hypertension are often overweight. The remaining cases with high blood pressure are due to an underlying cause, such as kidney issues, narrowing of the arteries to the kidneys, a congenital defect of the heart such as coarctation of the aorta, or rare tumors of the adrenal gland.

How do you Reduce High Blood Pressure in children?


  • Control your child’s weight


  • Give your child a healthy diet


  • Decrease salt in your child’s diet


  • Encourage physical activity


  • Limit screen time


  • Get the family involved





Hi, I think this entire blog will help you. As we discussed in the above blog, High blood pressure in children: Know The cause and its symptoms, treatment, causes, and routine these tips would immensely help you to make your child healthy and fit. If your child’s condition gets worse then consult a cardiologist as earlier as you can.



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