6 Simple Home Care Tips For COVID-19 Patients With Very Mild Symptoms

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z


According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), at least 80 percent of coronavirus patients may be asymptomatic or showing mild symptoms. The CDC said that around 40 percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US were asymptomatic.


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Now the government is allowing the COVID 19 patients with mild or no symptoms to stay at home with all precaution and prevention and taking care of ourselves. So, let’s find out some home care tips for COVID 19 patients with very mild symptoms.


Very Mild Symptoms of COVID-19 infection


According to various studies coronavirus infection in patients who do not show symptoms (asymptomatic) and in patients not yet symptomatic (pre-symptomatic). It’s challenging to identify asymptomatic cases because these patients do not know that have the virus unless they are tested.


Unfortunately, the prevalence of asymptomatic infection as well as the detection of pre-symptomatic infection is not yet well understood because they are not routinely tested.


As per different studies, asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 patients both have the same contagiousness, exposing a far greater portion of the population to the virus and increasing the risk of late diagnosis as well as mortality.


Also, a study in Wuhan, China, claimed that asymptomatic COVID-19 infection can result in silent lung damage. According to the researchers, enlarging COVID-19 testing to the general population using rapid testing appliances and adhering to guidelines is the key to combat the virus.


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Home care tips for COVID 19 patients with very mild symptoms


If you are in home isolation due to COVID 19 then you should take care of these home care tips for COVID 19 patients with very mild symptoms.


1. Have a nutritious diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables and warm fluids.


2. Intake multivitamin that contains zinc and vitamin C daily for at least 10 days.


3. Careful disposal of food plates.


4. Maintain proper hygienic like wearing N95 masks all the time at home and washing hands frequently with soap and water, or using good hand sanitizers.


5. Check your temperature and spo2 monitoring regularly and informing health authorities if they have low saturation ( less than 94) or high temperature.


6. Strict home isolation with no contact with any family member, only one person to be available for giving them food and clothes with adequate distance maintenance of 3 feet.




The bottom line is, COVID-19 is a new disease, and there various facts that are unknown about this COVID 19 and the virus that causes it. However, staying updated on current development and taking all possible measures can help you stay safe. So, stay home stay safe and follow all the home care tips for COVID 19 patients with very mild symptoms shared by your doctor.


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