How Can You Protect Your Child From Opioid Poisoning?

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

There is a very big question about how you can protect your child from opioid poisoning.


Opioid poisoning or epidemic is taking a mounting toll on children — some as young as toddlers.

The number of youngsters hospitalized for opioid poisoning is increasing day by day. And according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the largest overall increase was among toddlers and preschoolers.


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There are several ways by which you can protect your child from opioid poisoning and from these potent painkillers.

  • Store all your medications, especially the prescription painkillers, in a secure place. Before taking the medicine count and monitor the pills.
  • Get rid of unused painkillers.
  • Be sure that grandparents keep their medications secure.
  • Know the signs of an overdose and how to provide first aid. There are several symptoms of overdose including dizziness, vomiting, fainting, and difficult or ragged breathing.



Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, or babysitter, here are a few ways can protect your child from opioid poisoning:


1. Lock Your Medicine Box:

This may seem like the most obvious way to protect children from opioid exposure. Always keep both prescription and over-the-counter medications in a locked place which is out of children’s reach.



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2. Check Your Floors:

Many prescription opioids like hydrocodone and oxycodone come in tablet form. Just as with any other bottle of pills, it may accidentally drop a pill or two on the ground as you’re tapping the bottle against your palm. Get in the habit of checking the floor after you take them.


3. Know Your Surroundings:

Always have the information regarding opioid overdose deaths and drug abuse cases in neighboring areas. That’s why it’s vital to have a general idea of the safety of your surroundings as far as drug abuse is concerned.


4. Teach Your Kids About Opioids:

Usually, children often learn about the dangers of several drugs in school, but that doesn’t mean you can’t provide some education of your own to children. Even if you don’t have any opioid medications in your home, let your child know about the consequences of opioids.


That’s why it’s very important to talk to them about the dangers of opioids medications and why they should stay away from them.


You can simply show your child photos of what these drugs look like can also be very helpful.





With all these simple steps you can protect your child from opioid poisoning. Several medical professionals have increased their efforts to battle the opioid crisis.



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