7 Simple Ways to Stop Snoring Fast

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z

Snoring this crazy sleeping issue can affect most of us. It could be occasional or habitual, yet it can become problematic for family members or spouses to have a good night’s sleep. Relieve is separating bed is not the only solution. Here let’s get to the root cause and find how to stop snoring fast.


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Why do we Snore?


While we are asleep, with our body our neck muscles also get to relax. As they happen to relax our upper airways (nose and throats) tend to become too narrow for sufficient air to get to the lungs. And when the air pass-through, the surrounding tissue vibrates and consequently makes that sound we call snore.


Besides causing a nuisance for the family or your partner, it can even disrupt your sleep. Without proper sleep over the night, your days can be tiring and lazy. It affects your quality of sleep, it even can cause some serious sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea or sleep deprivation. Before we get to the know, how to stop snoring fast let just first know the causes.


What Causes Snoring?


As far as the cause concerns numerous factors cause snoring. Below mention is the list of factors that contribute to snoring;


1. Overweight, yes being overweight is one big reason that can cause snoring.

2. An old biology fact that men are more likely to snore as they have narrow air passages than women.

3. People with a narrow airway have habitual snoring habit

4. Defect in nasal structure can raise the risk of snoring

5. With a stuffy nose, you are more like to create a horrible sound.

6. Even Heredity cause you to snore

7. Alcohol consumption increases the risk of snoring.


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How to Stop Snoring Fast?


So let’s get down to business, here we will know about 7 ways how to stop snoring fast;


1. Bring changes to your sleeping position


Sleeping on your back can make your tongue move back of the throat muscles. Which in a way partly blocks the airflow, as a result causing vibrating sound (snoring). Sleeping on your side can help you prevent snoring to a notable level.


2. Get your weight under control


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Hey! you would be thinking, “How is weight loss even related to snoring?”  Here, most of the people snore because of the excess weight around the neck that squeezes the inner diameter of the throat. Hence, making that irritating sound- snoring. Losing weight around the neck can be a better option.


3. No to Alcohol


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Well, alcohol drinkers if you have a habit of snoring. Then, know that drinking alcohol hours before bed can make the case worse. So it would be better to avoid alcohol before you go to bed.


4. Hydrate yourself well


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Make sure to drink enough fluid to stay hydrated. As dehydration can make your nose and palate sticker and lead you to snore.


5. Sleep well


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Most of the time not getting enough sleep or being overtired can also make you snore. Then, do get the required amount of sleep.


6. Say goodbye to smoking


Stop Snoring Fast


It is very much obvious that smoking is injurious to health and it even can worsen your snoring. Consult a doctor to help quit smoking.


7.  Pillar Implant Procedure


There is a thing that both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea might be a result of muscle relaxation at the back of your throat. Well, with this new minor surgery “pillar procedure” which is design to or intend to provide relieve from habitual snoring or from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. But this surgery is not for people with severe OSP and for those who are considerably overweighted.


Apart from being annoying, snoring can depict some serious health conditions. Better get help from a doctor or you can help yourself by opting above tips of How to Stop Snoring Fast. Hoping you will have a good night’s sleep!


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