Are You Aware of The Term Impaired Glucose Tolerance?

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Impaired glucose tolerance means that your blood sugar level is raised beyond then the normal levels, but not that much high to diagnosis as diabetes. If you are dealing with this then you may face a greater risk of developing diabetes as well as cardiovascular disease.


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By treating this condition you may help to prevent diabetes development and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Eating a balanced and healthy diet is a key way of treating such a condition. Other ways to reduce the risk are weight loss if you are overweight and doing regular physical activity.


Blood glucose level for IGT


Blood glucose levels or sugar levels are the amounts of glucose in the blood, and normal blood glucose levels range is lie between 4 to 8 mmol/L. Blood glucose levels are usually higher after eating and lower first thing in the morning. Around 1-3 out of every 4 people who are dealing with this condition get develop diabetes in under a decade.


According to WHO (World Health Organisation), IGT may be present in a person if people have a blood glucose level is higher than 7.8 mmol/L but less than 11.1mmol/L after a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test OGTT.

What are the complications of impaired glucose tolerance?


IGT can lead to various complications if not treated on time, it is similar to as diabetes


  • Cardiovascular disease



  • Increased cholesterol levels


  • Being overweight or obese


How common is IGT?


It is quite common but usually, people are not aware of it, because the symptoms of IGT are not clearly visible. There are so many people have the condition and are unaware of it.


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What are the causes of impaired glucose tolerance?


Various factors increase the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance including being overweight or obese, having a family history of diabetes, doing little physical activity, having high blood pressure or high cholesterol and gestational diabetes.


What are the symptoms of impaired glucose tolerance?


People who have IGT often display no symptoms.

Usually, IGT is diagnosed when doctors conduct blood tests due to some other reasons. IGT is diagnosed by the test named the glucose tolerance test (GTT).

This test deciphers how your body is processing glucose.


How is impaired glucose tolerance test treated?


IGT can be treated or managed by using lifestyle changes and drug treatments.

Exercising more and eating healthy, losing weight, balanced diet all can help to treat IGT.

Stopping smoking, sticking to the recommended weekly alcohol consumption limits and keeping your blood pressure in a normal range all help to lower the risk of IGT developing into type 2 diabetes.

Some drug treatments are prescribed for IGT.




Impaired glucose tolerance or IGT is a condition when your blood glucose level is higher than the normal but not that much higher than it is diagnosed as diabetes. So, discuss to your doctor, simple lifestyle changes can help you yu to manage the condition.


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