Importance of Blood Donation: How Blood Donation Benefits You?

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Blood donation is definitely a noble as well as a voluntary practice. It helps those in need of blood transfusion due to some accident or illness or any other reason. It makes the blood donation a noble gesture as it gives a life-saving aid to people and patients.


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The human body contains approximately 4 to 5 liters blood that can be donated after the duration of the third month for men and 4 months for women. Some believe that blood donation can give some negative impact on their body, Well, this is not true.


Blood, the most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an sudden death if the need is not accomplished promptly. So, blood donation is a life-saving procedure.  Here, we will discuss the benefits as well as the importance of blood donation.


Importance of Blood Donation: How Blood Donation Benefits You?




Well, we don’t need any specific reasons for blood donation, just opt our own reasons which can be any one of these:-


  • Donate blood because a friend asked to do so.


  • Donate blood for your family member or a friend might need blood some day.


  • Some believe it is the right thing to do.


The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life. One day that ‘someone’ may be a close relative, a friend, a loved one—or even you.”




What are the Benefits of Blood Donation?


We cannot refuse the fact that a blood donation is a noble act. It is not only safe but also has several benefits:



1. Life-Saver


Some people need urgent blood and by donating our blood we easily give them life. This is one of the greatest satisfaction one can feel. It makes us feel proud and can also give us a purpose of life – the feeling that you made a difference to someone’s life.



2. Increases Blood in the Blood Bank


Blood isn’t only required in case of injuries or accidents but also for platelets or plasma required by a patient. In such cases, if a sufficient amount of blood is available in a blood bank, patients can be treated smoothly. So, people should regularly donate blood to ensure an sufficient accessibility of blood for the needy at right time.



3. Refreshes Our System


After blood donation, the cell count decreases which leads to cells regeneration. This is a healthy process which tells that the doner is fit and fine. Our entire body refreshes and many of our health issues also come moved out. Hence, blood donation results in a healthy body that increases our lifespan.



4. Proper Health Check-Ups


Before donating blood, it’s required to undergo a health screening. A trained staff performs this checkup. It includes:

This mini-checkup can offer excellent insight into your health. It can easily detect problems that could indicate an underlying medical condition or risk factors for some diseases. Your blood is also tested for several diseases such as:

  • hepatitis B
  • hepatitis C
  • HIV
  • West Nile virus



5. Lower Risk of Heart Disease


Blood donation may reduce the risk of heart attack and heart disease as well. This is because it reduces the blood’s thickness. A study found that regular blood donation automatically decreases the total cholesterol which protects against cardiovascular disease.



6. Reduces Iron Levels


Iron is an important mineral of the body needs to produce red blood cells (RBCs). But, excessive iron can be harmful as well to a person’s health. It can store into various organs of the body, such as heart and liver, and may affect the functioning of the organ.



7. Burns Calories


A blood donation also helps in burning calories. It burns up to 650 calories per donation, according to the research. While giving blood is not an alternative to exercise.



8. Lower Risk of Cancer


A study found a distortion in the risk of some cancers in people who donates blood regularly. These are the cancers that linked to high iron levels, are


Importance of Blood Donation: How Blood Donation Benefits You?



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What are the Emotional Benefits of Blood Donation?


Donating blood has benefits for your emotional health as well. According to the Mental Health Foundation, donating blood can:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve your emotional well-being
  • Benefit your physical health
  • Help get rid of negative feelings
  • Reduce isolation and enhance the sense of belonging


Well, these are the benefits of blood donation, Which proves the importance of blood donation for both the donor and receiver as well.



When it comes to blood donation there are so many come to our mind like Can I donate blood, how frequently I can donate and many more. So, let’s discuss these points-




Who Can Donate Blood?


Most of the people can donate blood. You can donate blood if you are:

  • Fit and healthy
  • Weight between 50kg and 160kg
  • Aged between 18 to 66.
  • Over 70 and donated blood in the last two years.




How Often You Can Donate Blood?


Men can donate every 3 month and women can donate every 4 months.

The common reasons donors should check if they can donate are:

  • Undertaking medical or hospital treatment
  • After having a piercing or tattoo
  • during and after pregnancy
  • Feeling sick
  • Having cancer
  • After receiving blood products, blood, or organs.




What is the Difference Between Male and Female Donors?


Men often consider as ideal donors because:

  • Men’s extra body weight indicates that they have suitable iron levels. Men are less likely than women to carry certain immune cells, their platelets are more widely used for transfusions.
  • Men platelet count is usually higher, so they are more likely to be accepted as platelet donors.




Is There Any Side Effects of Blood Donation?


Yes, there are lots of importance of blood donation, there are some side effects of blood donation as well –

  • When the donation is performed in a clean way, donating blood is safe.
  • If a blood bank use, used needles, this may lead the risk of blood-borne infection.
  • Due to this reason, it is part of regular blood selection to use new needles for each and every donation and to require every person to wash their hands.

A person can experience some side effects, as a result of donating blood. Like:

  • Dizziness
  • Feeling faint
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea

These symptoms will typically go off within 3 days of giving blood.


If the person’s iron levels found too low after a donating blood, you increase their intake of iron-filled red meat, spinach, and iron-fortified juices and cereals.




What are the Different Blood Products that are Made from Whole Blood?


Donated blood can be decomposed and used to make a variety of different products, including:

1. Red Blood Cells:


It carries oxygen. The most beneficiary of donated blood is provided red blood cells to boost the oxygen to carrying abilities of their own blood.



2. Platelets:


These are required for blood clotting. People who need extra platelets are people with certain diseases, such as leukemia, or those improving from a severe hemorrhage (bleeding).



3. White Cells:


These are part of the immune system. A person with less immunity may have some severe infection, may be given white cells to enhance their immune system.



4. Plasma:


It is the liquid element of blood. Plasma helps increase the volume of the blood.



5. Cryoprecipitate:


It is found in plasma and it consists of clotting factors. Cryoprecipitate can be segregated from plasma and is commonly used to control heavy bleeding.




What are the Different Types of Blood Donation?


The different types of blood donations are:

1. Homologous Donation:


The common one, whole-blood is donated in this type, including of red and white blood cells, plasma, antibodies, platelets, antibodies, and other components.



2. Plasma Donation:


It is also known as ‘apheresis’. Plasma is removed from the other components via a special machine, the red blood cells are given back to the donor in cycles throughout the complete donation.



3. Platelet Donation:


It’s known as plateletpheresis. This is done in the way as the plasma donation has done, but both the red cells and plasma are given back to the donor.



4. Autologous Donation:


It is scheduled before the operation or transfusion, a person donates their own blood for their self-use.



5. Directed or Designated Donation:


A donor can donate blood that will be further used for a specific person.





Well, here we discuss the details of the blood donation, including the benefits and the importance of blood donation. So, blood donation is important for the recipient as well as donor, even donor get many health benefits after blood donation. But, it has some minor side effects too which can remove within 3 days if you are healthy enough to donate blood. So, hope you understand the importance of Blood donation for the society and this may also help you to donate blood whenever you feel.


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