10 Simple Tips to Get Easily and Instant Migraine Relief

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z


Migraine or headaches are one of the most common forms of chronic pain in general. Nowadays, there are lots of people who are suffering from any kind of headaches. The one who is dealing with any kind of headache or Migraine pain, understand very well how difficult it is to drive, work, and even having a conversation while your head is striking badly. But when a migraine headache pounding, you can just crawl into your bed and wait for the pain to go away. Here we are discussing effective and instant migraine relief treatments that will help you to get quick relief.


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Natural and Instant Migraine Relief Treatment:


Well, Fortunately, many migraine pain can be reduced without proper medication, which will help reduce the need for the pain killer medicines and minimize your headaches. Here are some tips for natural and instant migraine relief:


1. Ice pack:


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Ice is considered as an anti-inflammatory which helps you to reduce inflammation. You can use that ice pack on your head, forehead, or neck and get instant migraine relief.


2. Lavender Oil:


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If you are experiencing migraine headaches then you can inhale lavender to get faster or instant relief. This You can inhale it directly for around 15 minutes or you can apply it in your body in a diluted solution.


3. Peppermint Oil:


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You can use the peppermint oil for the massage into your temples or the backside of your neck to get the instant to relieve the migraine pain. This massage can also help you to ease the feeling of anxiety and nausea.


4. Make Ginger Your Best Friend:


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Ginger is enriched with lots of health benefits in a wider range, according to research, it also helps to give relief in the migraine pain. Ginger powder is useful to reduce your migraine’s seriousness and time duration. Ginger tea is considered as an anti-inflammatory. So we can say that ginger is a proven remedy for headaches.


5. Opt for Yoga:


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Everyone is aware of the benefits of yoga. It is an ancient technique that is helpful to heal serious health conditions. Yoga is a kind of therapy that is completely free from the side-effects and according to a study taking a part in simple yoga postures may help you minimize the duration, frequency, and severity of migraines.


Some Yoga posture that may help you to get instant migraine relief:


  • Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend)


  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)


  • Shishuasana (Child pose)


  • Marjariasana (Cat stretch)


  • Paschimottanasana (2-legged forward bend)


  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)


6. Massage Therapy:



According to the study on migraine patients who had a massage during their migraine pain had fewer migraine pains and even had improved sleep.


We have a different type of massage available, you can opt according to your choice:


  • Deep tissue massage


  • Lymphatic massage


  • Shiatsu


  • Rolfing


  • Reflexology


  • Craniosacral therapy


  • Swedish massage


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7. Add Magnesium in Your Food:


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A magnesium deficiency can cause headaches and migraines. In fact, according to a study, the regular consumption of magnesium can help to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.


Some sources of magnesium you can include in your diet are:


  • Almonds


  • Sesame seeds


  • Sunflower seeds


  • Brazil nuts


  • Cashews


  • Peanut butter



  • Eggs


  • Milk


8. Try Out Acupressure:




As we already discussed that the yoga is helpful to reduce migraine pain, similarly acupressure is also one of the therapies which are free from any side effects and help to get rid of migraine pain. According to research, acupressure is a credible alternative therapy for people in pain from chronic headaches, along with migraine-associated nausea.



9. Watch What You Eat and Drink:


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Whatever we eat it put a direct impact on the headaches. It is suggested that the limited intake of caffeine and alcohol and avoiding cigarettes can give you an instant migraine relief. Regular meals also play an important role to manage your headache, so, don’t skip your meals especially breakfast


10. Minimize Stress:



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If you have a bad migraine, try to avoid stress, it will really help you out. Avoid noisy places, leave your workplace a bit early and ask your partner to take care of house chores or the kids.


Here, we have discussed instant migraine relief techniques, you can try these and you will get the relief for sure. But if these techniques don’t work for you then don’t ignore it and consult your doctor for the same.


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