5 Questions Of Mood Disorder Questionnaire, Important

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

When someone says “You’re Pretty” what is your instant reaction? “Thank you” right? What if after a minute the same thing asked might just make you so pissed off that you shouted at the person. Do you have a mood disorder? Well, No! The mood disorder is not characterized by one day or two instances.


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In this case that is why we have for you the Mood Disorder Questionnaire and why and what makes each question so important. Stay with us, and we will give you your answers. Mental health is important and necessary to be taken care of.


What is a Mood Disorder Questionnaire?


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The mood disorder questionnaire is a set of questions designed in order to estimate exactly what must one ask the potential candidate to understand their mental status. It is in simple terms, a tool to understand if at all the person is suffering from any bipolar disorder or not. If yes, then what kind of treatment they deserve.


As per the NCBI, ” Bipolar disorder is frequently encountered in primary care settings, often in the form of poor response to treatment for depression. Although the lifetime prevalence of bipolar I disorder is 1%, the prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorders is much higher, especially among patients with depression.”


Is Mood Disorder Questionnaire important?


Mood Disorder Questionnaire, Mental health


Yes, it is important. This helps a diagnosis to take place. It is among the first few stages of defining what a mood disorder is like. It helps the person understand that they are suffering from a condition that needs attention. Your Mood disorder questionnaire and the answers are very private and secure.


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Like we mentioned earlier if you scold a person once and then thank them and that only happened one day, it is not a sign. if it is consistent, it still not sure to be of mood disorder. Hence, here the right kind of mood disorder questionnaire plays an important role.


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Mood Disorder Questionnaire, Important ones


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Let us see exactly what kind of questions are asked in the Mood Disorder Questionnaire and what is the reason behind asking that particular question.


1.  “You felt so good or so hyper that other people thought you were not your, normal self or you were so hyper that you got into trouble?”


This question helps to understand the basic temperament of the person. The amount of rage and violence that are involved in the person’s reactions.


2. “You were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?”


Here the Mood Disorder Questionnaire is trying to judge the interpersonal relationship and the amount of effect. You tend to degrade them to a very large extent.


3. “You were so easily distracted by things around you that you had trouble concentrating or staying on track?”


This measures the focus and concentration which in many cases is actually not possible for someone who might be suffering from mood disorders.


4. “You had much more energy than usual?”


We know you are like. “What’s wrong with this?” Well, a normal state of energy is appreciating, but when the consistency of being overly energetic is more than usual, there is certainly something to look into.


5. “You were much more social or outgoing than usual, for example, you telephoned friends in the middle of the night?”


Today, teens and everyone does so right? However, we are sure it is not normal to do it every day. This also shows how regularly you need someone around you.


While these may be a few questions that determine things about you in the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, mood disorders are more than just feeling happy and sad once or twice. Hence, you must understand the questions and help yourself and let others help you.

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