Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Is your baby due date during this winter? Or is this the first winter of your little one? Worried that the harsh weather and infections can affect your bundle of joy? Or worried about your newborn baby care in the winter season? So, here we have the solution of all the above mention queries.


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Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season:


Here are 11 useful tips to newborn baby care in the winter season. It will help you to protect your kid form such harsh effects of winters.


1. Breastfeed Your Newborn:


Breastfeeding is the best way to boost the immunity of your newborn baby. It will help your baby to keep the cold and infections at bay. Try to breastfeed your baby for the first six months.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




2. Wash Your Hands Frequently:


Wash your hand frequently and keep them disinfected because you are the first one to contact your child. Also, ask all who come to visit your baby from outside to wash their hands. Because it is the common cause of infection for the communicable diseases like cold, flu, and pneumonia.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




3. Wash Your Winter Wears Frequently:


Wash your winter wears regularly since woolens have the tendency to attract dust which may lead to such disease like allergy or asthma.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




4. Use Comfortable Clothing:


Before bundling up your little one, please understand your kid’s body type, some kids have a naturally warm body and some have normal, so dress them accordingly. Too many clothes like multiple layers of sweaters, caps, gloves, and socks can restrict them to move easily. Always dress your kid in the cotton underlayer.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




5. Do Not Use Heavy Blankets:


It sounds very easy to cover the kids with a heavy blanket or quilt and make feel them cozy but does not do so. Remove things like blankets, pillows and such from your newborn’s crib to curb the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




6. Do Vaccination On Time:


Make sure your little one does not skip any vaccination. It will help keep your baby safe from the diseases that strike during the winter season.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




7. Maintain Warm Room Temperature:


Try to keep your home and your baby’s room comfortable and warm. The best to keep it warm is to shut the windows from where cold air keeps blowing quite frequently. But, make sure that the room stays ventilated. Use a heater, so that your baby is comfortable by himself and feel free to play around.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season



8. Use a Humidifier:


In the newborn baby room, you required a heater. If you are using it, also use a humidifier with it. It will maintain the humidity in the room and the moisture in your newborn body.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




9. Massage Your Child:


Massaging is highly recommended for your newborn. Massaging stimulates the blood flow within the body. Maintain the room temperature warm while massaging your child. In winters you can use natural oils for a message like mustard oil, olive oil, almond oil, and coconut oil.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season


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10. Dont’s Use to Many Product:


Your newborn’s skin is sensitive skin. So, avoid over-using of products like baby soaps, shampoos, and body washes during winters. Your newborn may develop rashes because of severe dryness. Use the brand which suits your baby skin.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season



11. Try to Avoid Crowded Place:


If you are having a newborn with you try to avoid places, as there might be increase chances of infection due to the different type of people can contain such infection.


Top 11 Useful Tips for Newborn Baby Care in the Winter Season




What are the Symptoms that Need Medical Attention in Winters?


Common flu occurs mainly during the winter season, although they are mild and the child may recover completely by themselves, there may be complications also. Here are the signs which every parent should be aware of;


  • Fast breathing


  • Flu-like symptoms but return again and again with a fever and severe cough.


  • Fever with the rash.


  • Being unable to fed or drink.


  • Having no tears when crying.





These 11 tips will make sure that your newborn remains safe and healthy through the harsh season. So no worries enjoy the season. Happy Winters.


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