4 Must Do Things In The Next 6 Months of Post-Treatment in India

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

One might feel good that they are treated in a foreign land, but very little knowledge do they have of what to do for the next 6 months of post-treatment. So here we are to your rescue. We at GoMedii try our best to make the treatment achieve the quality it should and our patients feel at home when they are finally in the recovery process. Wondering how do you connect to us? It is simple! Drop your queries at our website or read on to know more about us and how you can easily contact us.


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Also, if you wish to know how to prepare yourself for the first 6 months of the treatment, then go to our blogs to read more about the same. Meanwhile, let us prepare you for what might involve the things important to you on your treatment journey into the post-treatment section.


What involves the Next 6 Months of Post Treatment?


There are various important sections of the post-treatment procedures. When you get out of your treatment, you have a certain recovery period dependent upon the surgery or the treatment that you have just gone through.


Does recovery need more than 6 months in every case?


No! Not every case has a recovery time that is 6 months. It can be more and it can be less. In case of something as serious as Cancer or let us say an organ transplant, the genuine time taken for recovery is around 8 -12 months. While this is for the major surgeries, eye problems, orthopedics (if not major) and a few others take less than 6 months for you to have better operating.


What if my Visa expires during my next 6 months of Post Treatment?


This is a serious complication that is taken up by a good treatment partner like us GoMedii. In general terms, the Visa when concerned with medical sense, it is actually only valid for 3 months. When your treatment is a little more complex in terms of the surgery and the recovery process that it takes, you can get the extension given the doctors and hospitals release a statement regarding the same.


What must be done during the next 6 months of Post Treatment?


There are a few things you must keep in mind when you are in the recovery process. Here are some which we would like you to know.


1. Take things slowly and steadily


One must not think that life is now all about roses after the treatment is done. You cannot decide to take that trip your postponed right after you are up from the treatment.


As patients, you have to stay a little on the calmer side. We at GoMedii ensure that all the post-treatment directions are given by the doctors to our patients and in case, there is anything else they must know is conveyed and reminded to them on the daily basis.


Hence, where would you find such a helpful team if not, GoMedii, right?


2. Keep Your diet in check for the next 6 months of post-treatment


We would say, keep it in check as long as you are able to. Diet is like 70% of the recovery factor. A good, nutritional diet is a major fuel for the development of your condition after surgery.

Your body required good nutrition and a healthy diet for it to recover at must faster rate than the required pace otherwise.


3. Take Your Medicines Seriously


When you are in the recovery process, what must be handy with you always? Is that your cool watch, or your expensive pen? Well, apart from that, your medicines.


GoMedii ensures prescription fulfillment as well. So, we do not let our patients suffer on any grounds even if it is their medicines. It is because we understand, they are necessary for our patient and their recovery.


4. Rest and Sleep


We know you are elated with the successful treatment, we are extremely happy for you! Yet, precautionary measures cannot be taken lightly. You have to rest.


Taking proper effective sleep is a necessary catalyst for your recovery. Do not be a charged horse ready to take on the race, give your body the rest that it deserves.


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Places that we can visit after 6 months of Post-treatment In India


India is not the best place for an affordable world-class treatment alone, but the aesthetic beauty of this country is beyond explanation. This is evident with the fact that there are countless places within India, where you can go for a calm and peaceful trip after the treatment.


Yeah we know, we said to rest, but we must also tell you, a good stay in the foothills of Himalayas, or the green lush resorts of Kerala, is all you need for a better recovery. Do you want to know more? Then go ahead and check that out on our website.


Do I have to change my diet in the next 6 months post-treatment?


YES, Yes and 100th time, YES! We have mentioned it earlier and are ready to repeat it. Diet is like the fuel you need and your body must-have for a better and speedy recovery.


What are the exercises that I must do?


This one really depends on the surgery or treatment you had. When it is related to your muscle or bone structure, you are rather not advised to do very hardcore exercises, but we think a good walk and some regular movements can go well with it.


Will I get my medicines post-treatment?


GoMedii stands out from most of the other medical tourism partners. We are your medical treatment partner. In the next 6 months of post-treatment and even after that, you are very well assisted with medicines as well.


What care will I get in post-treatment care?


We ensure our presence after your treatment as well. We take care of our patients with the best follow-up teams and medical experts.


  • Post Treatment Consultation
  • Regular Follow-Ups
  • Medicine Fulfillment
  • Relieving Documentation


Apart from this, we make sure that our patients are kept in contact so that any further help and assistance is demanded, they are able to get that too.


I Would Like To Come To India, But How?


You need to drop your queries at our website or you can also drop them through a text or an email to us. We will be taking up your consultation and then if you are eligible to come to India, we will make sure that your Visa and other documentation are taken the best care of.


Will GoMedii assist me in the next 6 months of Post-treatment in India?


Well, as we said, we are not just any MT partner. We will assist you as long as you decide and wish to stay for medical purposes in the country.


In case you have more doubts regarding what and how you can get through the next 6 months of post-treatment in India, drop a query. Contact us n Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.