11 Ways To Overcome Depression Like A Boss

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

In this busy life, we keep moving fast and do not stop. We keep our problems for the next time. We do not know we are suffering until it is time, we have to overcome depression. We do not always know what depresses us, but ultimately we have to get through it.


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In this write-up, we will discuss what to do and how to overcome depression. Before this, you must understand that depression is one of the medical conditions. You might face a lot of depressive episodes. Symptoms of depression include things like oversleeping or no sleeping, fast heartbeats and many more. Major depression conditions can go on for years together.


Ways to overcome depression


Be it a rough day or an easy one, you tend to fight it and still feel sad. This is because you are suffering from depression and you lose on to being happy. These are some way you can overcome depression:


1) Meditation to overcome depression


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Why did we keep it in the first place? It is because meditation helps you focus. It helps you focus on things that calm your mind. You do not forget about things, you accept it. You must understand that to overcome depression, acceptance is necessary. Take out at least 10 minutes and do medication daily.


2) Remember to sleep well


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When your brain is in good health, everything is fine. To overcome depression. make sure your mind is calm. You must take enough sleep so that your mind is not thinking too much. Like all other living beings, even humans have to follow a routine that includes good sleep.

Now, sleeping too much is also not correct. You must have heard men and women saying that they feel sad and sleep a lot. This can be because they are depressed and like to choose sleeping as the escape.


3) Learn a new hobby to overcome depression



To keep your mind away from things that depress you. You must do something else. What great other than learning new things? You should opt for a new hobby.

Learn a new instrument or start painting or dance classes. It is true that to get to someplace you need to get out of one. Hence to overcome depression, you must do something new and different.


4) Listen to good music to overcome depression


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You can stop chasing your metal rock for the time. Listen to calming music that gives a good rest to your head. Get your iPods and headphones. Music has a therapeutic effect.

You might find many options on Youtube, which will give you a good calm mind after listening. We know that to overcome depression, listening to music is not the solution, but it definitely helps.


5) Identify problems and work on it


Try to identify any situations or anything that actually leads you to your depression. When you know what’s got you feeling blue and why to talk about it with a caring friend. Talking is a way to release the feelings and to receive some understanding.


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6) Find answers to unknown questions


Once you air out negative thoughts and feelings, turn your attention to something positive. Take action to solve problems. Ask for help if you need it. Feeling connected to friends and family can help relieve depression. It may also help them feel there’s something they can do instead of just watching you hurt. Overcome depression by doing things that actually do not lead to it.


7) Good Food for all your mood!


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When your mind is nourished well, you are mentally fit as well. You think in a better way, you are more and more energetic. We are not saying that do not eat the food you love, but eat food that is healthy and you love.

A ham sandwich or a yummy pancake will be a healthy breakfast. You must try them, also eat salads and drink lots of water to keep yourself going.


9) Express yourself to overcome depression



With depression, a person’s creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked. Exercise your imagination and you do not only get those creative juices flowing, but you also loosen up some positive emotions.

Take time to play with a friend or a pet, or do something fun for yourself. Find something to laugh about — a funny movie, perhaps. Laughter helps lighten your mood. Have you not heard “Laughter is the best medicine? “


10) Exercise well!


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Get the adrenaline rush going. You must exercise. When you go for a walk or run or maybe a session of Zumba, you are focusing on something good. It energizes you and helps you overcome depression. It will make you fit, and well, your favourite dress just might fit you better. Feel good and keep negative thoughts away.


11) Count your blessings


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Most of us fall prey to depression because we keep looking at our failures. DO NOT! Counting your blessings makes you happy. Learn from failure gives you motivation, not dwelling on them. So next time you think you do not have something, remember how many good things you do have.


It is hard to overcome depression in just days. In some cases when it is chronic, you might want to see a therapist. Medicines do help but how long will you take it?


Then comes the side effects that make conditions even worse. So, we would not recommend you doing that either. You must fight through it, and take help when needed. To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Depression treatment, you can contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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