Know Your Pregnancy Heartburn with Natural Remedies and Relief

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Heartburn plagues most soon to be moms at some point but do you know heartburn is a common complaint given during pregnancy? We have a solution, yes you can get rid of this problem with natural remedies.


The problem is due to progesterone, the hormone that relaxes muscles during pregnancy, further relaxes the stomach valve that keeps acid out of the esophagus.


Heartburn can occur throughout the pregnancy or often starts in the 1st trimester and intensify from there.


Let us know more about the pregnancy heartburn.


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What Causes Heartburn During Pregnancy?


There are several possible causes of the problem during pregnancy including;




Yes, hormones play an important role in everything when you’re pregnant, even with heartburn. Pregnancy hormones like progesterone cause all types of stomach symptoms, as well as heartburn. The hormone progesterone causes the valve that helps in preventing stomach acids from passing back into the esophagus to relax, and allow acids to pass more and irritate the lining.


Hormones also slow down the digestion process, which further causes fewer stomach acids to produce. So, fewer stomach acids create the problem and acid reflux.


When the baby is inside you:


Baby takes up more and more space in your abdomen. The baby compresses all your digestive organs as well as diaphragms up into less space, which further makes easier for stomach contents to pass back up into the esophagus.


Hormones and baby’s growth inside the body are natural and wanted aspects of pregnancy. So what can you do to rid of the problem? Following are the natural remedies for relief.


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What are the Natural Remedies to Relieve Pregnancy Heartburn?


There are several natural remedies to relieve pregnancy heartburn including;


Lemon Water:

Lemon water is very helpful in the problem because its juice increases the production of digestive bile and juices, which helps in balancing aids in digestion and low stomach acids.


Raw Apple Cider Vinegar:

Drinking vinegar during chest burning helps in lowering stomach acid resulting in relief.


Coconut Water:

Coconut water acts as a natural acid neutralizer that provides relief in the problem.


Ginger Tea:

Ginger tea is also a great relief provider of pregnancy heartburn.


Fennel Seeds:

Use of fennel seeds helps in soothing the digestive tract, reduces acid, as well as decreases inflammation.


Yogurt or Milk:

Yogurt or milk can relieve the problem because milk, especially cow’s milk can offer immediate relief. You can also try nut milk, goat’s milk or rice milk as alternatives.


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