Know About Female Reproductive System – How Gynecologist Can Help?

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


The female body is a delicate system of various hormones and enzymes working together. The most important is the fact that women are birth givers and hence the female reproductive system becomes an important topic of medical concern. With all the societal stigma we tend to not put attention on our body needs, and when should we see a doctor that is a gynecologist. There are a lot of times that we suffer from irregular periods or unbalanced menstruation cycle is experienced.


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Female Reproductive System


Most of the times the females have this doubt about their female reproductive system in terms of which kind of doctor they should see. We will let you know who and when to see a doctor for your female body issues.



Who is a Gynecologist?



A gynecologist is a stream of doctors who treat those female patients and are mostly engaged with the female reproductive system and can be both male and female. An obstetrician is a kind of gynecologist who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth.



Why should you see your Gynecologist during your periods?



There are a lot of questions regarding why and when should one see the Gynecologist, is it during or because of periods or is it after or with concern to any other period problem. We would suggest that any uncomfortable situation or circumstances faced by the female should urge her to visit the Gynecologist. This is because periods are the main regulatory pattern of your reproductive system. Many women have a doubt about what is normal periods. Well, there is no such definition to it as it differs from woman to woman. On a general scale, 3-5 days should be the average number of days whereas a longer duration can be a reason to be worried about.



The female reproductive part is very vulnerable to a lot of infections that have a harmful and life-threatening impact. Here are major reasons that should not be ignored and should be attended as soon as possible:


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What are the symptoms during periods that should rush you to the Gyno?


  • When you do not get periods.


  • Unusually heavy flow


  • Untimely length of periods, either long or short


  • Unbearable cramp pain.


  • There is uncomfortable breast pain during periods


  • Too much vomiting.


Apart from specific Menstruation Problems, there can be other following reasons to see your doctor:


• When you have various issues relating to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause

• Abortion, family planning, and contraceptive measures.

Sexually transmitted diseases

• Various syndromes related to female reproductive organs like Polycystic Syndrome

• Any kind of discomfort related to mammary glands, uterus, and ovary.

• Any point where one feels that they have a chance of being prone to Cancer and Tumors along the reproductive tract

• Any sexual dysfunction that can cause the individual suffering from relationship issues.


What should you do if you are uncomfortable in front of your Gynecologist?


In the first place, you should not shy away from your own doctor as she/he is the one who will give you the answers to various doubts. You might have some issues dealing with a male gynecologist, however, you can be extremely professional and make sure that there is no shyness between the patient and the doctor. One can start talking with small problems faced with the female reproductive part, before being comfortable to talk about periods.



One has to understand that it is important to take care of our body. As the female body is far more vulnerable, it becomes important that special care of visiting the gynecologist is taken up by the females for the well being of the female reproductive system. We suggest a regular checkup during and after your periods as well because that will assure the good health of your body. On our site, you will be able to find many health experts and certified Gynecologists in order to consult and get your doubts cleared.


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