Know how too much protein affects your kidney by Dr. Tarun Kaushik

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Are you a gym freak who hates complex carbs? We bet you take more proteins. We just want you to know that too much protein affects your kidney? We will tell you why and how is protein harmful to your kidney. With that, we will also see what else can too much protein do to your body. Your kidney is a very important organ as it filters the waste away from your body.


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The relation between Kidney and how too much protein affects your kidney


You are bound to understand how are the two related. How too much protein affects your kidney. It is known that protein intake is good, but if you are already suffering from kidney disease, then it might be a problem. The protein requirement of a person can vary on various factors including body weight, lifestyle and physical activity. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the protein consumption within the limit to help maintain a healthy lifestyle.


How too much protein affects your kidney and other complications?


We here will discuss with you the major problems and how too much protein affects your kidney. Along with that let us see what are the other major problems you can face with this.


1) Kidney Damage


We know that an increase in the nitrogen components in the body affects your kidney. The major source of which is the amino acid, something that produced with the decomposition of protein in your body.


As per the World Kidney Organization, “Although high-protein diets have not been studied extensively, research on rats has shown that an increased amount of protein in their diets seems to affect the blood flow within their kidneys, leading to renal damage over time.”

In the summary of a study of Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, it is also stated, ” In healthy obese individuals, a low-carbohydrate high-protein weight-loss diet over 2 years was not associated with noticeably harmful effects on GFR, albuminuria, or fluid and electrolyte balance compared with a low-fat diet. Further follow-up is needed to determine even longer-term effects on kidney function.”


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What else than affecting the kidney?


2) Bad breath


Eating large amounts of protein can lead to bad breath, especially if you restrict your carbohydrate intake. This could be in part because your body goes into a metabolic state called ketosis, which produces chemicals that give off an unpleasant fruity smell. In addition to how too much protein affects your kidney.


3) Weight gain


Yes, we know that protein is good but might also backfire with higher weight gain. According to the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism study, ” Higher total protein intake, expressed as a percentage of energy, was significantly associated with a greater risk of weight gain when protein replaced carbohydrates but not when replaced fat (However, no association was found between protein intake and waist circumference.


4) Constipation


Yes, the proteins are very hard to break, and this causes the body difficulties in digesting it. When the food is not digested properly, you seem to have problems in taking a dump. This is what it does, apart from how too much protein affects your kidney.


5) Diarrhea


Eating too much dairy or processed food, coupled with a lack of fiber, can cause diarrhea. This is especially true if you’re lactose-intolerant or consume protein sources such as fried meat, fish, and poultry. Eat heart-healthy proteins instead.



Too much of anything is bad, just like how too much protein affects your kidney. You must always make sure that your book doctor’s appointment when you think that there is some problem. In case you need medicine, you can do that too because ordering medicine online just became easier.


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