New Year 2018 Resolutions for Healthy Lifestyle

, Health A2Z

New Year’s resolutions are similar to babies. Making resolutions are always fun but are extremely difficult to maintain it.

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Each January, roughly everyone makes resolutions related to their work, health, and interest. A much smaller percentage of people actually make good on these resolutions.

According to a survey, conducted by the GoMedii, people usually make resolutions on the following things;

  • Quit smoking
  • Quit drinking
  • Say no to junk food
  • Regular health checkup
  • Going a gym
  • Running
  • Doing meditation
  • Won’t spend time on social media
  • Weight loss
  • Save money
  • Stay in touch
  • Travel


Quit smoking: People usually failed in quitting smoking, so the best way for this is to contact or talk with ex-smokers this will help in doing so.


Quit drinking: Drinking alcohol in the excess amount affects the brain’s neurotransmitters as well as increases the risk of depression, memory loss, and seizures.


Say no to junk food: Junk food contains high levels of calories from sugar or fat with a little amount of fiber, protein, vitamins or minerals which is bad for health.


Regular health checkup: A person should always go for the regular health checkup, which helps the person in keeping fit and healthy.


Going a gym: People can go to the gym more proper exercise which also keeps them fit and healthy.

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Running: Working people or college going students usually avoid gym due to their busy schedule so 30 minutes running in the morning can help them in their journey of a healthy lifestyle.


Doing meditation: Meditation is the process that can help a person in boosting their concentration on daily activities.

Won’t spend time on social media: People usually think that social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is the wastage of time, but using it properly will help people in gaining knowledge.

Weight loss: Weight loss helps in keeping fit and healthy.

Save money: Saving money making changes in healthy lifestyle such as walking or riding a bike to work helps in saving money and less air pollution.

Stay in touch: Connecting with old friends and family actually helps in maintaining the health. According to a research, lack of social bonds can damage the person’s health as much as smoking and alcohol abuse.

Travel:  Traveling allows people to tap into life as an adventure and getting closer to the environment, it also provides chances of making changes in lives.


Make good and healthy resolutions for ourselves and the environment for staying healthy.

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