Death Toll Rises With Swine Flu Back in Picture In Delhi

Somya Verma

, News

We are already dealing with the coronavirus scare and now we have one coming closer, that is the swine flu problem. This is one of the most problematic conditions that did affect India in 2009. Here is another one 11 years later! A report in the Times Of India, “Across Delhi, at least 152 positive cases of influenza, which took to epidemic proportions in 2009 and has since”. This has brought the capital in great concern.


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The report says, “Last year, Delhi had reported 3,627 cases of H1N1 of which 31 persons had died. The latest update on the H1N1 situation in the country shows 884 people have been diagnosed positive for H1N1 over the last one-and-a-half-months in the country and there have been 14 deaths.”


Let us get into further discussion about what is swine flu and what are its symptoms?


Swine flu is an infection in pigs that can be passed to humans. It is a highly communicable respiratory disease caused by one of many Influenza A viruses.


This disease spreads among pigs by direct and indirect contact, aerosols, and pigs which are infected but do not have symptoms. In many areas of the world, pigs are vaccinated against the infection. Generally, it is of the H1N1 influenza subtype. These viruses can sometimes come from other subtypes, like – H1N2, H3N1, and H3N2.


What are the Symptoms of Swine Flu?


There are a few symptoms of swine flu:

1. Body ache
2. Chills
3. Cough
4. Headache
5. Sore throat
6. Fever
7. Tiredness
8. Dizziness
9. Vomiting


What are the Causes of Swine Flu?


Swine flu is caused by a strain of an influenza virus that usually only infects pigs. Unlike typhus, which can be transmitted usually from person to person, not animal to person.


You can’t get swine flu from eating properly cooked pork products.


Swine flu is very infectious. The disease is spread through mucus and saliva particles. People may spread it by:


  • Coughing


  • Sneezing


  • Touching a germ-covered surface.


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What are the Treatments Available for Swine Flu?


In most cases of the flu, the patient doesn’t require any medication for treatment. The patient doesn’t need to see a doctor unless he/she at risk of developing medical complications from the flu.


The patient should focus on relieving his/her symptoms as well as preventing the spreading of the H1N1 virus to other people. Usually, doctors recommend two antiviral drugs for treating the flu including the zanamivir (Relenza) and the oral drugs oseltamivir (Tamiflu).


Because flu viruses can develop resistance to these drugs, they’re regularly reserved for people who are at high risk for complications from the flu. People who are generally healthy and get the flu will be able to resist the infection on their own.


While 10 deaths have been reported at Safdarjung Hospital apart from 72 confirmed cases of swine flu, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital also reported 10 deaths and 38 confirmed cases. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital registered nine deaths along with 107 OPD cases and 96 IPD cases.


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Source: Times of India

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