GoMedii, India In Partnership With Surjen, Nigeria!

Somya Verma

, News

Delivering medical services has become a major priority for medical service providers and facilitators. Keeping this vision in mind, along with major treatment procedures, we aim to deliver holistic medical tourism services to our patients from discovery to discharge.


It is of great honor to announce that GoMedii, India has collaborated with Surjen, Nigeria to assist the patients of Nigeria and the rest of the African patients in receiving the finest & world-class medical facility.


GoMedii, India In Collaboration With Surjen, Nigeria.



With this auspicious coming together of GoMedii and Surjen, we hope that our patients will be delivered the quality of medical service that they deserve.


About Surjen, Nigeria


Building an ecosystem to provide Accessible, Affordable, and Authentic (AAA) healthcare delivery services for Africans, Surjen is a Healthtech startup from Nigeria. They provide primary healthcare services to patients from the comfort of their homes, be it blood sample collection, booking hospital appointments, teleconsultation, second opinion for chronic diseases, or referral to hospitals in case of advanced treatments and surgeries, Surjen does it all.


Surjen Healthcare is an alumnus of Founders Institute, Abuja chapter. Surjen has served more than 10,000+ customers since its launch in July 2020. Surjen provides its services in Abuja, Lagos, and Kano.


We are sure that with this collaboration, we will be able to ensure that our dear patients from Africa receive the best medical care that they deserve.


About GoMedii, India


GoMedii is a healthcare technology platform focused at In -Patient care that helps through the entire treatment journey from hospital/doctor discovery, and treatment planning to pre-treatment & in-treatment at hospitals until post-treatment care.

GoMedii is a facilitation engine that comes 1st in the patient treatment value chain & collaborates with all stakeholders of the ecosystem. We help patients at each step of the journey in getting treatment at established & accredited hospitals.


With world-class medical services, we have served around 10000+ patients. GoMedii has acquired a network of 200+ Hospitals in India & abroad with a panel fostered through a strength of 500+ experienced doctors.

We do not just provide treatment like a medical center or a hospital but we rather initiate a system right from the discovery of the medical issue to the post-treatment care.

We accelerate & assist our patients in discovering the hospitals & doctors, make their treatment options affordable, ensure medicine fulfillment, and guarantee post-treatment care through technology platforms with an enthusiastic team of young professionals.


Ties between Africa and India in terms of Medical Tourism


The reputation of India as a medical hub is not new. It is since the 1990s India is designated as a global leader in medical tourism. It can be defined as the travel of people to a place other than where they normally reside for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment in that country.

India boasts highly qualified doctors and state-of-the-art equipment, and the treatments are approved by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Along with this it also has quality medical services provided by its hospitals and doctors. International patients go to India for affordable medical costs that are a lot cheaper when compared with the US and UK. For example, a kidney transplant in India costs about $13,000, while the same procedure will cost up to $300,000 in the US. This becomes a major attraction for patients from Africa traveling to India.


As per the UN reports, about 40,000 Nigerians visited India in 2015, half of them for medical reasons, such as transplant surgery, joint replacement, and dental surgery, among other procedures, according to the Indian high commissioner to Nigeria, Ajjampur Ghanshyam.


Benefits for Patients Out of This Collaboration


Symbolizing a great synergy is the outcome and advantages a partnership can provide. Here we explain the ways through which this collaboration can revolutionize the way people in Nigeria get their medical needs. As 1st in the treatment value chain we help patients through the following steps of the treatment journey :


  • Discover Hospitals & Doctors
  • Book Appointments
  • Online Consultations
  • Treatment Estimations
  • Treatment Planning
  • Pre-Treatment Assistance
  • Logistic Planning
  • Healthcare Records Management
  • Prescription Fulfillment
  • Ancillary & Tertiary Services
  • Post-Treatment Care & Followups


Aiming At providing solutions to Patients Problems


Strengthening the medical ecosystem around the world is kept as a priority through this collaboration. Healthcare has improved in recent years, but adequate healthcare is still limited throughout the country.  This makes the collaboration own a lot of relevance for both GoMedii and Surjen!


GoMedii expresses gratitude towards this collaboration. We aim to work to serve our patients the best healthcare across the globe. Who are We? We are a Technology Powered Healthcare Platform & Facilitation Engine Easing Out Patient Treatment journey.


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About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.