Cost & Hospitals For Acoustic schwannoma Treatment in Delhi

In the pasts years, India is growing in the medical sector. India is renowned for offering low-cost medical care treatment facilities with technological advancements. Delhi has really come up as a great place for medical travel in the country. One of our patients traveled all the way from Kerala in search of hospitals for acoustic schwannoma treatment in Delhi. What it is exactly? We will let you know!



Let’s us about Acoustic schwannoma. First thing first, it is related to the ear. Schwannoma is a type of nerve tumor. It can occur in any part of the human body. If this happens to you then GoMedii provides you treatment for this. We are always here for your help. Our motive is to offer world-class treatment facilities. Now let’s discuss Acoustic schwannoma treatment. ​



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Hospitals for Acoustic Schwannoma Treatment In Delhi




Acoustic schwannoma Treatment in Delhi, Hospitals for Acoustic Schwannoma Treatment In Delhi, Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Cost In Delhi, Procedure Of Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery, Hospitals For Acoustic Neuroma Surgery In India, Tinnitus Treatment In India



Acoustic Schwannoma is a noncancerous tumor. However it grows slowly but it may cause hearing loss, unsteadiness, and tinnitus. If anyone is searching hospitals for acoustic schwannoma treatment in Delhi, we are here!


We will provide you the best hospital for this. Acoustic neuromas are also called a vestibular schwannoma. It develops from Schwann cells (main vestibular).


This nerve leading from your inner ear to your brain. Then it can lead to a serious health issue.





How Much Does The Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Cost In Delhi?




It is the most considerable aspect when you are looking for any treatment. The cost of Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery will start around 74000 (USD10000) in Delhi.



We have already told you, GoMedii will provide the best hospitals for acoustic schwannoma treatment in Delhi.




Is Acoustic Neuroma Surgery Safe?



Yes, it is extremely safe. Most of the time the outcomes are very good. Surgery can preserve hearing levels. It is possible due to modern techniques and advancements in the medical sector.




Procedure Of Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery




Acoustic schwannoma Treatment in Delhi, Hospitals for Acoustic Schwannoma Treatment In Delhi, Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Cost In Delhi, Procedure Of Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery, Hospitals For Acoustic Neuroma Surgery In India, Tinnitus Treatment In India



Surgery includes eliminating all the parts of the non-cancerous tumor. Many times a surgeon performs three primary surgical procedures.



  • Translabyrinthine: If a tumor is bigger than 3 centimeters then your surgeon is making an incision behind the ear and bone and some of the middle ear. The procedure allows the surgeon to eliminate the tumor. Before eliminating the tumor, they see the facial nerve. It is also called cranial. Although, it causes permanent hearing loss.



  • Retrosigmoid: A surgeon opening the skull from the rear of the head. So that surgeon can see the tumor. It permits the elimination of a different-sized tumor. Through this surgery, hearing loss may also be avoided.



  • Middle fossa: Middle fossa surgery a surgeon eliminates a bone over the ear canal to permit access and elimination of little tumor in the internal auditory canal. It is a narrow way from the center to the inward ear. This procedure also permits avoiding hearing loss.



  • Radiation therapy: This therapy might be recommended sometimes where certain procedures are utilized to send high doses of radiation. It is delivered in two ways:


  1. Single fraction stereotactic radiosurgery: It includes many little radiation beams focusing on the tumor in one single session.


     2. Multi-meeting fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy: In this therapy, little doses of radiation are delivered over a period of few weeks.


Although it is non-cancerous. Yet patients can get the best treatment when diagnosed at the right time. We’ll tell you how it’s diagnosed.


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These Are The Best Hospitals For Acoustic Neuroma Surgery In India


If you are searching hospitals for acoustic schwannoma treatment in Delhi. These are the best hospitals. GoMedii is associated with all of these hospitals. It includes:






​We will provide you the best medical care treatment facilities at an affordable cost.


How To Diagnosis Acoustic Schwannoma?


Your doctor will suggest any of these tests. It includes:


  • Audiogram: It helps to check the hearing ability.


  • Electronystagmography: This test helps to balance and records eye movement. Through this, a doctor will check how your ear and eye nerves are functioning.


  • Auditory (Hearing test): The doctor checks the brainstem response to measures how hearing nerves respond to the sound. It also checks brainstem function.


Sometimes doctor recommends CT and MRI scans to measure the size. Also, through this detecting the location of the tumor.


How Much Is Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Recovery Time?


After the vestibular schwannoma surgery in India, patients will be able to do normal activities within 6-12 weeks. Usually, it also depends on the patient’s health and condition. Some patient’s healing process will take time. It varies from patient to patient.


Are There Any Side Effects Of Vestibular Schwannoma Treatment?


Acoustic schwannoma Treatment in Delhi, Hospitals for Acoustic Schwannoma Treatment In Delhi, Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery Cost In Delhi, Procedure Of Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery, Hospitals For Acoustic Neuroma Surgery In India, Tinnitus Treatment In India



Sometimes you can experience these problems after months of vestibular schwannoma treatment. It includes headaches, dizziness, facial muscle weakness, hearing difficulties, and vision problem.
This is not seen in all patients.




What Is The Life Expectancy After Acoustic Neuroma Surgery?



After successful surgery, your living time and quality will increase. Only in the rare case does this condition return after treatment.



Why so? It is mostly because you are a patient who had surgical removal. You have to stop your searching for hospitals for acoustic schwannoma treatment in Delhi because GoMedii is here to get you one! We will guide and offer the best treatment for acoustic schwannoma in Delhi.





Best Tinnitus Treatment In India?



If you are looking for the best tinnitus treatment in India then GoMedii will also provide this. Tinnitus is related to acoustic schwannoma.


Some patients experience ringing or other noises in one or both ears. This is also called tinnitus. This condition is also seen in acoustic schwannoma. Best tinnitus treatment will suggest by the doctor when they will examine the patient’s condition.




You Can Get The Treatment With GoMedii




GoMedii brings simplified processes powered by the latest technology to help the patient experience comfort at every stage of the treatment journey. A Medical tourism & treatment partner, which ensures that patients are provided with world-class medical standards at the very start of the journey. If you want to get the treatment, just drop your queries on Whatsapp (+91 9599004311) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible.




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