Menopause: Facts, Symptoms, Causes & Complication

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Menopause, it is the process of ceases fertile cycle or menstruates in a women life. It is a normal part of women life and we cannot consider it as a disease or a condition. The signs and symptoms can occur years before a woman’s last period. Some women may experience a sign of symptoms for months or years afterward. The average age for end of a woman’s fertility is 51 years.


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Fast Facts on Menopause:



  • Symptoms of the end of a woman’s fertility include hot flashes, night sweats, mood fluctuations, and cognitive changes.


  • A depletion in the level of estrogen can lead to the symptoms of end of a woman’s fertility.


  • The average age of the end of a woman’s fertility is 51 years.


What are the Symptoms of Menopause?


Every woman’s end of a woman’s fertility experience is different. Symptoms are more severe when it occurs suddenly or over a shorter period of time. Conditions that affect the health of the ovary, like hysterectomy or cancer, or some lifestyle choices, like smoking, tend to increase the duration and severity of symptoms.


Other common symptoms of the end of a woman’s fertility include:


  • Insomnia


  • Vaginal dryness




  • Anxiety


  • Difficulty concentrating


  • Memory problems


  • Reduced libido, or sex drive


  • Dry skin, mouth, and eyes


  • Increased urination


  • Sore or tender breasts



  • Racing heart


  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)


  • Reduced muscle mass


  • Painful or stiff joints


  • Reduced bone mass


  • Less full breasts


  • Hair thinning or loss


  • Increased hair growth on other areas of the body, such as the face, neck, chest, and upper back


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What are the Causes of Menopause?


These are the reasons which can lead to the end of a woman’s fertility:


Natural Decline of Reproductive Hormone:


As we reach as our late 30s, then the ovaries start producing less progesterone and estrogen (hormones that regulate the menstruation cycle) and the fertility start declines. In the 40s, the menstrual duration can become shorter or longer, lighter or heavier, and less or more frequent, until eventually, ovaries stop making eggs, and menopause occurs.




A hysterectomy is a surgery where the uterus removed but your ovaries are not removed. Generally, it doesn’t cause the immediate end of a woman’s fertility. Although you have no longer periods, the ovaries release eggs and produce hormones. But the surgery which removes both uterus and ovaries (total hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy) does cause an instant end of a woman’s fertility.


Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.


The cancer therapies can lead to the end of a woman’s fertility, causing symptoms like hot flashes shortly or during after the process of treatment.


What are the Complications of Menopause?


After menopause, the risk of some medical conditions can rises. for example:


Heart and Blood Vessel Disease:

When estrogen levels reduce, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases. So it’s recommended to do regular exercise, eat a healthy diet and maintain a normal weight.



This condition causes bones to become weak, which lead to the risk of fractures. During the first few years after menstruation break, you can lose your bone density at a fastly, and increasing your risk of osteoporosis.

Sexual Function.


Vaginal dryness due to decreased moisture formation and loss of elasticity can cause pain, discomfort and slight bleeding during sexual intercourse.


Menopause is the natural termination, or the ending, of a woman’s period cycle, and marks the end of fertility. Most women experience the end of the fertile cycle by the age of 50, but ovarian damage can cause sudden menopause earlier in life. It is an obvious part of every women life. But if you find and severe symptoms then consult your gynecologist as soon as possible.


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