Pursue Life-Changing Hepatitis C Treatment in India

Arjun Khanna

, Treatments

Hepatitis C is a major disease around the world, the treatment for which isn’t accessible to many countries. Hepatitis C is difficult to detect and treat, as it causes few symptoms and most patients don’t realize they have it. Therefore, it is also extremely important to get tested for Hepatitis C.


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Hepatitis C Treatment can be often life-saving for patients who have not earlier detected having it. However, the treatment is extremely expensive internationally, and not available in many countries. This is why international patients from around the world travel to India, seeking affordable yet high-quality Hepatitis C Treatment in India. Hepatitis C treatment in India is cost-effective and affordable, compared to international prices.


India has made major strides in the quality of treatments for Hepatitis C in recent years. To ensure international patients receive quality treatment, GoMedii works hand in hand with some of the best hospitals and institutes in India. Experience the best in Hepatitis C treatment at affordable costs in India through GoMedii.


Get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What Is Hepatitis C?


Pursue Life-Changing Hepatitis C Treatment in India


Hepatitis C is a liver infection that can cause a lot of damage to someone who contracts it. Millions of patients across the world contract it, but many don’t get diagnosed. This is because due to the few symptoms it causes, many patients don’t realize they have it.


Hepatitis C is difficult to contract. A patient contracts it through direct blood to blood or infected body fluid contact. Hepatitis C can also be contracted through blood transfusions.


The Hepatitis C virus or HCV has many forms. They vary not in the virus’s potential for damage but rather in the treatments they respond to. Based on various factors, the Hepatitis C virus affects various patients in different ways.


Get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What Causes The Need For Hepatitis C Treatment?


Using shared needles such as for injecting drugs, vitamins or steroids is the most common method of contracting Hepatitis C. Sanitizing needles and preferably using a new, one use and throw needle is of prime importance to avoid contracting Hepatitis C. One should also sanitize themselves or their skin before using a needle for vitamins, steroids or a blood test.


Contracting Hepatitis C from sexual activities is known, however uncommon. Engaging in rough behavior or in sexual practices involving blood or open wounds. Those who have multiple sex partners should always use condoms during sexual activities to avoid Hepatitis C and other harmful diseases.


Other precautions include covering open cuts and wounds during sex. Hepatitis C may also be a risk in the case of a couple where the woman is on her periods. This can lead to a Hepatitis C infection if there are open cuts or wounds.


Unsafe blood transfusions were the most common source of Hepatitis C a few decades ago before blood transfusions started undergoing stringent testing. This may have also been a risk in operations where blood must be donated to the patient.  However, in today’s day and age, blood is screened and tested for Hepatitis C and other possibilities before being approved for transfusion.


Tattoos, piercings, or the sharing of personal hygiene items such as razors or nail clippers have often been cited as a cause of Hepatitis C as well. However, there hasn’t been a proven case spreading through such a medium yet.


For more information, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What are the Various Stages of Hepatitis C?


From point of infection, there are several stages that exist through which the Hepatitis C virus progresses:


The Incubation Period


The incubation period refers to the time duration between the moment the patient was exposed to the beginning of the disease. This window can last anywhere between 14 to 80 days. However, the average is 40 to 45 days.


Acute Hepatitis C


Acute Hepatitis C refers to a short term illness of 6 months once the virus has incubated in the body. At this point, a patient must get themselves tested for the presence of Hepatitis C as the virus can culminate further and move into longer-lasting stages.


Chronic Hepatitis C


85% of Hepatitis C cases move into a long-lasting period of over 6 months. This stage of Hepatitis C is known as chronic Hepatitis C and can eventually cause serious issues in patients such as liver cancer.




Hepatitis C caused cirrhosis leads to inflammation that forms scar tissue over the liver, replacing healthy liver cells. This condition progressively worsens over a period of 20 to 30 years. However, the progress can accelerate with alcohol consumption or in HIV positive patients.


Liver Cancer


Hepatitis C caused by Cirrhosis eventually makes liver cancer an extremely likely possibility. It is extremely necessary to get thorough tests across the stages as there are usually no symptoms in the earlier stages.


For more information, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What are the Symptoms of Hepatitis C?


A majority number of Hepatitis C cases don’t exhibit symptoms. However, patients can expect the following symptoms between 2 weeks to 6 months after exposure.


  • Clay-colored defecation


  • Dark-tinted urine


  • High Fever


  • Exhaustion


  • Jaundice


  • Pain in joints


  • Loss of appetite


  • Nausea


  • Stomach pain


  • Vomiting


Symptoms in patients will usually last for 2 to 12 weeks during which patients must pursue testing and treatment.


For more information, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Hepatitis C Treatment Process.


Treatment for Hepatitis C will be preceded by the testing and diagnosis process. The healthcare team will first check the patient’s blood for HCV antibodies. HCV antibodies are proteins that the body releases when it detects Hepatitis C in the blood. It takes 12 weeks for the antibodies to show in tests.


The results take a few days, however rapid testing may also be available. Depending on the results of the test, the further course of action will be determined.


Nonreactive: The patient does not have Hepatitis C. However the patient will need to be retested post the 6-month mark.


Positive: The patient has Hepatitis C antibodies and had been infected at some point. Further testing will be required.


In case of further testing, the following tests will be conducted.




This test measures the number of viral RNA genetic material from the hepatitis virus particles present in the patient’s system. The result of the test can either be positive, the patient has Hepatitis C, or negative, the patient doesn’t.


Liver Function Test


This test measures proteins and enzyme levels. As the patient’s liver gets damaged, enzymes leak into the bloodstream. However, it is possible to have normal enzyme levels and still have hepatitis C.


Treatment for Hepatitis C will vary from patient to patient and consist of direct to bloodstream drug transfusion and several tableted medications. A majority of the treatment will also revolve around monitoring the patient’s condition and treating them with anti-viral medication as needed.


In the case of patients with major cirrhosis or liver cancer, a liver transplant may be a viable and necessary option.


What are the Common Side Effects of Hepatitis C Treatment?


The most common side effects of hepatitis C drugs depend on the treatment course and often include:


  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Exhaustion
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Low blood cell counts
  • Nervousness
  • Clinical Depression


Hepatitis C Treatment Cost In India


International patients can pursue the state of the art Hepatitis C treatment at affordable costs in India. This is what makes India a prime medical tourism location, thanks to world-class care being offered at such pocket-friendly prices. Through GoMedii, international patients can pursue Hepatitis C Treatment in India for roughly $1000 – 1500 USD*.


Depending on the age and severity of the disease, the success rate of Hepatitis C Treatment is more than 90% in India. The patient will need to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days and in India roughly 8-9 days and must plan their trip accordingly.


*Costs are subject to increase based on the patient’s condition and specialized requirements.


Hepatitis C Treatment in the Best Hospitals in India


India is today one of the most desirable destinations for medical tourism. This is because India provides exceptional healthcare when it comes to various medical conditions, including Hepatitis C Treatment. With the best treatment hospitals and specialists being based in India, it is a great treatment option for international patients.


The best doctors and institutes in India work hand in hand with us at GoMedii, to bring international patients world-class medical care. Expect affordable care with names such as:


Nanavati Hospital


Pursue Life-Changing Hepatitis C Treatment in India


Max Hospitals


Pursue Life-Changing Hepatitis C Treatment in India


Fortis Hospitals


Pursue Life-Changing Hepatitis C Treatment in India

Apollo Hospitals


Pursue Life-Changing Hepatitis C Treatment in India


And more! These are the best names in healthcare working closely with GoMedii, to bring you the best medical care possible.


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Why Pursue Hepatitis C Treatment in India Through GoMedii?


Medical care in India has seen significant strides in recent years. Apart from being technologically and medically advanced, extensive medical and healthcare is now significantly more affordable compared to international costs. International patients can take advantage of India’s state of the art healthcare and efficiency in extensive treatments, through GoMedii. GoMedii is helping international patients as not only a medical tourism partner but a medical treatment partner as well.


Technically challenging and less invasive surgeries are now available in India thanks to major pioneers, talented healthcare professionals, and surgeons in extensive medical procedures. Healthcare reforms in India have made state of the art medical care much more accessible for international patients. GoMedii works hand in hand with the best hospitals, institutes, clinics, and professionals to provide international patients with the treatments they need, quickly and at the most affordable costs.


GoMedii is the go-to medical treatment partner for many international patients. This is because GoMedii, unlike its competitors, helps its family of international patients every step of the way. From initiating their treatment process in India, assisting with medical visas and paperwork, to booking accommodation, GoMedii does it all for their patients.


From the moment the patient decides to avail GoMedii’s services, the patient doesn’t have to worry about a single requirement. All the patient needs to do is come to India and avail of treatment. Even post-treatment, GoMedii goes above and beyond to ensure patients take the necessary follow up appointments, medications and even takes care of the patient’s return trip.


Journey to India for World-Class Hepatitis C Treatment


Traveling to India from another country for medical treatment requires a number of documents to be provided. This includes certificates, medical reports, permits, and other such requirements.


Apart from the standard requirement for documentation like the visa application form, passport, doctor’s certificate, medical invitation letter, and reports, there are certain other formalities that are required to be fulfilled. These documents will help international patients with official requirements so they may have a smooth journey to India.


Here is what is involved in your journey to India for Hepatitis C Treatment through GoMedii.


Fit To Fly Certificate


A fit to fly certificate of the patient is demanded by all the airlines to certify that the patient’s health condition is stable enough to fly from one country to another. The terms include the ability to fly within the stipulated span of hours without any deterioration in their condition mid-air. Only the applicants who have applied for a medical visa require a fit to fly certificate during their travel.


A fit to fly certificate will be required for both boarding the flight from the patient’s home country as well as during departure from India after treatment. Patients and their medical attendants will not be allowed to board the flight if they cannot produce the certificate.


Vaccination Certificates


While preparing for your journey to India for medical travel, carrying valid vaccination certificates is important. Not every country member requires such documentation. However, a yellow fever vaccination certificate and oral polio vaccination certificate are a mandatory document to be produced during check-in at the airport.


Countries that require an Oral Polio Vaccination Certificate are Afghanistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Kenya, Somalia, and Syria.


It is to be noted that the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificates should be sanctioned 10 days before travel.


Currency Requirements in India


An important factor that international patients must keep in mind is the currency and the amount of money that they must carry. The maximum limit for an individual to carry cash while coming to India is $5000 USD or its equivalent. Exceeding this, one has to declare it in the Currency Declaration Form at the Customs Authorities in the airport.


Further Important Points to be Noted Prior to Travel to India


  • During immigration, patients may be asked to provide the address of their accommodation, in India. It is advisable to note down the address of the hotel/guesthouse assigned to you. Get in touch with your GoMedii relationship manager to ensure you know it.


  • Your e-visa will be provided to you with a Medical Visa certificate through your GoMedii representative. Make sure you carry a printed copy.


  • Carry all the medical reports and medical summaries of the patient.


  • Share a picture of the patient and the medical attendants as they start their journey so that our team can identify them easily when they arrive at the airport. Contact your GoMedii team representative in case of any issue, such as locating the exit in the airport or seem to be lost.


  • Once the patient has taken care of these documents and has safely arrived in India, they’re in the capable hands of the GoMedii team, who will ensure a stress-free stay in India for the patient.


Rest assured, through GoMedii, international patients will be able to pursue Hepatitis C Treatment in India at affordable costs easily.


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for international patients for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Patient Accommodation in India


GoMedii is the go-to medical treatment partner for many international patients. This is because GoMedii, unlike its competitors, helps its family of international patients every step of the way. From initiating their treatment process in India, assisting with medical visas and paperwork, to booking accommodation, GoMedii does it all for their patients.


When coming to India for your treatment, accommodation will be provided to you through GoMedii, your medical treatment partner. Based on where in India the patient is getting treated, expect comfortable lodgings at a stone’s throw distance from your hospital.


We do our bit to ensure that your journey of healing to India is truly therapeutic in every aspect.


A Comfortable Departure Post-Treatment


A major reason international patients are so grateful to GoMedii and truly satisfied with their experience is due to our constant involvement in the entire process.


Post-treatment, the patient’s recuperation stay as well as travel back to their home country is taken care of by us at GoMedii as well.


With GoMedii taking charge of your journey, you truly need not worry regarding a single aspect of your India journey. Just let your family at GoMedii take care of it, while you focus on wellness!


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Hepatitis C Treatment in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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