Diabetes Skin Condition: We Bet You Will Be Surprised!

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Diabetes is a condition that affects many other parts of your body as well. A diabetes skin condition is, however, very less known. It is because we mostly thing about sugar levels and not diabetic blisters when we hear the disease. The skin condition is hardly noticed until very serious. So, you must know what are the major skin conditions in diabetes.


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Why Diabetes Skin Condition is Not Known?


How many times did you care about your skin that your insulin pumps? It is because we only know the common conditions, like diabetes affecting the kidney. Yet, one must look after fungal infecting in the body including poor circulation and blood sugar level. All these conditions are actually happening in the body due to diabetes.


List of Diabetes Skin Conditions:


Look at the list of diabetes skin conditions that you were not aware of. You take note of these and understand how to treat these well.


Acanthosis Nigricans


When you have this diabetes skin condition there is darkening and thickening of the skin. The major area where they appear is on the sides of the neck, the armpits. Sometimes they might appear on the hands, elbows, and knees. Acanthosis nigricans can affect otherwise healthy people, or it can be associated with certain medical conditions. It is frequently found in people with diabetes.


Allergic Reactions


Allergic reactions can happen to many medications. Some of them might also include diabetes. In this case, the allergic reaction becomes a diabetes skin condition. If you think you might be having an allergic reaction contact a dermatologist. Severe allergic reactions might require emergency treatment.

It is especially important for people with diabetes to check for rashes or bumps in the areas where they inject their insulin.




This condition results in the narrowing of blood vessels thickening of the vessel walls. This not only affects the vessels near the heart but also the entire body. This causes the obstruction of blood in the skin. When the blood vessels supplying the skin become narrow, changes occur due to a lack of oxygen.

This can also cause, Loss of hair, thinning and shiny skin, thickened and discolored toenails, and cold skin are symptoms of atherosclerosis. Because blood carries the white blood cells that help fight infection, legs, and feet affected by atherosclerosis heal slowly when they are injured.


Bacterial Infections


Diabetic skin conditions also include many types of bacterial infections. These include styes, which are infections of the glands of the eyelids. The other one boils, which are infections of the hair follicles.

Carbuncles are deep infections of the skin and the underlying tissue. Nails can also catch an infection in these cases. With a bacterial infection, the areas involved generally are hot, swollen, red, and painful. Most bacterial infections require treatment with antibiotics in the form of pills and/or creams.


Bullous Diabeticorum

One of the rarest cases where those with diabetes develop blisters that resemble burn blisters. They are called bullosis diabeticorum. It mostly does occur on the fingers, hands, toes, feet, legs, or forearms.

These are painless and usually, heal on their own. They often occur in people who have diabetic neuropathy.


Diabetic Dermopathy


Diabetes can affect the small blood vessels of the body that supply the skin with blood. Changes to the blood vessels because of diabetes can cause a skin condition called diabetic dermopathy. When you have this condition you see some of the patched as light brown or red, often on the front of the legs.


They do not hurt or there is no blister or itch, and treatment generally is not necessary. They might be called skin spots as well.


Digital Sclerosis


The word “digital” refers to your fingers and toes, and “sclerosis” means hardening. Digital sclerosis, therefore, is a condition in which the skin on your toes, fingers, and hands become thick, waxy, and tight. Stiffness of the finger joints also might occur. Lotions and moisturizers might help soften the skin.


Eruptive Xanthomatosis


Eruptive xanthomatosis can occur in some individuals when blood glucose levels are not well controlled and when triglycerides in the blood rise to extremely high levels. This condition appears as firm, yellow, pea-like bumps on the skin.

There are bumps, which are surrounded by red halos and can be itchy usually are found on the feet, arms, legs, buttocks, and backs of the hands. Lipid-lowering drugs might be needed. It is considered as a complex diabetes skin condition.


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Fungal Infections


A fungus called Candida albicans is responsible for many of the fungal infections affecting people with diabetes. This fungus actually causes itching. It is often surrounded by tiny blisters. One of the serious diabetes skin conditions.

You also see scales sometimes. These infections most often occur in warm, moist folds of the skin. Treatment of fungal infections involves keeping the area dry and using a combination of topical steroid and antifungal medicines.


Scleroderma Diabeticorum


Like digital sclerosis, this condition causes a thickening of the skin; but scleroderma diabeticorum affects the skin on the back of the neck and upper back. This condition, which is rare, most often affects people with diabetes who are overweight. Lotions and moisturizers might help soften the skin.




Vitiligo is a condition that affects skin coloration. With vitiligo, the cells that make pigment (the substance that controls skin color) are destroyed, resulting in patches of discolored skin.


Vitiligo often affects the elbows, knees, and hands, but it might be found on the face. This condition can be seen in people with type 1 diabetes. You should use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to prevent sunburn on the discolored skin.


Diabetic skin conditions are very less known. We have tried here to explain and give an overview. You must think about keeping this in mind. You can clear all your doubts by reading blogs on our website!


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