Facts About Low Tar Cigarettes 2018

, Health A2Z

Several studies have shown that smoking high-tar unfiltered cigarettes, as exposed to medium-tar filtered cigarettes, greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. We will discuss some facts about low tar cigarettes in 2018.

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So, cigarettes labeled as ultralight or low-tar are also not a safer choice because a study has revealed that different types of cigarettes are associated with increased risk of lung cancer.

Switching to low-tar or ultralight cigarettes is not the solution to reducing the risk of disease. There are several methods for quitting smoking that helps a person to achieve the goal.

Low-tar cigarettes are also defined as a type of cigarette that is maintained to give off less tobacco tar than a regular cigarette when a person smoked it.

It has been shown that these cigarettes are no longer safer than regular cigarettes, and smoking them does not lower the risk of cancer or other diseases.

If a person smokes a low tar cigarette, he/she can inhale the same amount of nicotine, tobacco tar, and harmful cancer-causing chemicals as in a regular cigarette.

Are Light Cigarettes Less Hazardous Than Regular Cigarettes?

No. Many smokers choose so-called soft, light or ultra-light cigarettes because they think that these cigarettes expose them to less tar and are less harmful to health than regular or full-fledged cigarettes.

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However, light cigarettes are no safer than regular cigarettes. The tar of a light cigarette can be as high as an ordinary cigarette. When the smoker smokes long, deep or frequent puffs. The conclusion is that light cigarettes do not reduce the risk of smoking in health.

Besides, there is no safe cigarette. The only way to reduce the risk to your health and the risk to others is to stop smoking.

Since all tobacco products are harmful and cause cancer, it is strongly discouraged to use these products. There is no safe smoking. People who use tobacco products should quit.

Do Light Cigarettes Cause Cancer?

Yes. People who smoke any type of cigarette are at much greater risk of cancer. Smoking harms nearly every organ of your body and reduces a person’s overall health.

People who switched to light cigarettes from regular cigarettes are likely to have inhaled the same amount of toxic. They remain at high risk of developing smoking-related cancers and other diseases.

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