7 Super Food To Prevent Dementia!

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Since our childhood, we are told to eat food which would help us fight diseases. For example, you must be told to take enough fruits so you do not suffer from weakness. Similarly, there are some cases like dementia, in which you can have food to prevent dementia and other mental illness.


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We will discuss the condition and give you the idea of why you need food to prevent dementia. Your diet and food habits affect your body, more than you know.


What is Dementia?


Dementia usually affects memory, thinking and social abilities, serious enough to interfere with daily life. It isn’t a specific disease, but many different diseases may cause dementia. It is a group of conditions that are characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, like- memory loss and judgment.


As we have mentioned what dementia is, let us now know the food to prevent dementia. You will be surprised as we have your favorites here as well.


Food to Prevent Dementia


Healthy Food is necessary to take care of your body. So here are some of the food items that will help you suffer less and prevent dementia as well.


1) Green Veggies for Foods to prevent Dementia Risks


Who is the champion of good foods? They are the leafy greens. The top scorer in not just the diet for mental health, but all the good and healthy diets.Include these in your diet as food to prevent dementia

According to a study published in Neurology “people who regularly consumed daily servings of leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and collard greens have a slower rate of cognitive decline compared to those who avoided piling their plates with greens.”



2) Let the Red meat be the food to prevent dementia


Red meat isn’t banned when it comes to a good diet. We do not recommend a regular eating practice of it but it does protect the brain. That’s more efficient than the Mediterranean diet, which restricts red meat to just one serving a week.


3) Time to switch to the Olive oil


Yes, it does come under food to prevent dementia, you want to know why? Olive oil beat out other forms of cooking oil and fats. The researchers found people who used olive oil as their primary oil at home saw greater protection against cognitive decline.

Your brain gets better care when you switch to olive oil. So, what are you waiting for? Go get to your shopping mart now!


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4) Stop going nuts and eat walnuts


Walnut is on the top list as food to prevent Dementia. Remember the nut that looked like a brain? Maybe that was nature’s own way of telling us that it is good for the brain. The good fat in the walnuts helps you improve the mental retaining power.

Walnuts are full of antioxidants, helping to inhibit oxidation in the brain and body. Even more amazingly, these nuts can also lead to the growth of new neurons.


5) Try Cinnamon Sticks as Food to prevent dementia


Research has proved that cinnamon when given to mice, it increased the building up of protein in the brain that’s connected with Alzheimer’s disease. Also, they also were seen to improve memory and other cognitive functioning.

A small study saw an improvement in memory with the smelling of a cinnamon stick. Additionally, cinnamon has been associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, along with heart and lower blood pressure, all of which have been tied to better brain health.


6) Let Oily Fish Come Your Way


Well, the brain food we were talking about, this is one of the top inclusions. In diet for mental health, the oily fish are like the god addition. They contain DHA which is necessary for a strong and long-lasting memory. A diet that contains Omega 3 fatty acids can help to boost feelings of mental health and wellness and reduce levels of anxiety. Fish is indeed food to prevent dementia.


7) Legumes as food to prevent dementia


It is time the vegetarians are treated with protein. While the nonvegetarians have a wide source, a vegetarian might go low on it. Protein helps build your strength not just in a muscular sense but also gives fuel to the brain. It helps you increase your memory strength.


We have given you a wide variety of food to prevent dementia. You can choose any and add it to your diet. Cases like Dementia takes a toll on the family as well. You must take preventive measures to stop it.


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