How To Get Rid of Chest Congestion?

, Health A2Z

Chest congestion is a non-medical term which is used to describe respiratory symptoms like excessive mucus in lower airway, or in the larynx, trachea, bronchi and even in the lungs. Congestion is associated with inflammation of the airways and lungs by restricting airflow and related respiratory symptoms like coughing. In certain conditions like inflammatory diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, results in mucus production, which may increase the risk of chest congestion.


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Sign and Symptoms of Chest Congestion:



rid of chest congestion

Sign and Symptoms of Chest Congestion

Chest congestion is marked by excessive mucus usually by a productive cough or wet cough and difficulty breathing (dyspnea). There are several symptoms including;


  • Abnormal breathing sounds like rales or wheezing


  • Rapid breathing rate (tachypnea)


  • Mouth breathing



  • Fatigue


Other symptoms of chest congestion, such as fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches and so on may be related to the underlying cause of chest congestion.


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Home remedies or ways to clear chest congestion:



Home remedies or ways to clear chest congestion

Home remedies or ways to clear chest congestion

  • The best way to clear up chest congestion is to gargle with a mixture of lukewarm water, a tablespoon of salt, and a pinch of turmeric twice a day.


  • Try taking a hot shower or placing a hot pack on chest and throat for 15 minutes and drinking lots of water for staying hydrated.


  • Taking hot liquids like tea that helps in dissolving the mucus that causes chest congestion, tea offers herbs and spices that can ease chest pain and congestion.


  • Avoiding dairy products, salt, sugar, and fried foods because of these increases mucus production.


  • Eating beneficial foods like citrus fruits like asparagus and pineapple, ginger, and garlic for easy chest congestion relief.


  • Taking garlic and lime soup, which can help to clear congestion.



Medicinal ways to reduce chest congestion:



  • Use of expectorants, these are the medications that break mucus and make it easier to cough up and expel from the body.


  • Avoid the using suppressants, these are used to minimize coughing, if coughing is making a person uncomfortable, then try taking ginger cough drops instead of a suppressant.


  • Treating congestion with mentholated cream.


  • Using Zicam.


  • Visiting doctor to get a prescription medication.






Chest congestion has several signs, along with normal cold symptoms. The person’s voice may seem different than normal, and usually coughs up mucus or may have breathing problems. It is associated with inflammation of the airways and lungs by restricting airflow and related respiratory symptoms like coughing.


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