How stress affects digestion and what you can do to manage

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Our brain and stomach are more synchronize than you may think. For example, the thought of delicious food can make the stomach produce digestion-related juices or the idea of giving a major presentation may cause constipation or loose motion. The brain and gut are inconsistent correspondence. This immediate relationship makes our gastrointestinal framework be sensitive to feelings and responses, for example, stress. So, let’s explore how stress affects digestion and the ways to manage your gut and stress both.


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How stress affects digestion?


At the point when we are stressed, our mind sends signals for chemicals, for example, adrenaline, serotonin (a hormone that influences temperament) just as the pressure hormone cortisol to be discharged. These hormones can cause antagonistic responses.


The stress put negative effects on our digestive system in various ways. It can lead to a reduction of blood and oxygen flow to the stomach, cramping, an imbalance in gut bacteria and inflammation. These symptoms can further develop into gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as irritable bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), peptic ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


Tips to Improve Your Gut


If you find that your stress affects digestion, Here we are sharing four tips to help improve your gut.


Practice yoga


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To boost or improve digestion, make sure you’re doing required physical activity on a regular basis, like running and walking.

Exercises that basically focus on posture and alignment, may also lead to gastrointestinal problems and improve stress outcomes.


Try mindful meditation


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Before getting your meal, sit up straight and avoid distractions, and take deep breathing around 2 to 4. Breathing in, holding, and exhaling do all these for a 4-count.


Eat prebiotics and probiotics


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When it comes to your diet, consume foods that promote good gut bacteria, like prebiotics and probiotics.

Fruits and vegetables with inulin, such as banana, asparagus, garlic, and onions, contain prebiotics.

Fermented foods, like kimchi, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, natto, tempeh, and yogurt all contain probiotics.


Kick the Smoking habit


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If you like to have a cigarette when you get stressed, now it’s time to rethink it.

Many research shows that smoking can also affect your digestive system.

Smoking can increase your risk of developing some diseases like GI diseases, peptic ulcers, and related cancers.


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6 Ways to Manage Your Stress That Affect Digestion


There are both physical and psychological ways to manage stress. But the same technique might not work for everyone. Here are six options you can try to get relief from stress:


1. Be physically active



Regular exercise relieves tension and stimulates the release of hormones in your brain, which works like natural painkillers. Endorphin is a hormone that improves sleep, which can help relieve stress, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.


2. Consider psychotherapy


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a method that has been proven to help reduce anxiety and stress by helping you learn to replace negative, distorted thoughts with positive ones.


3. Choose stress-busting foods


There are certain foods that help to reduce anxiety. Omega-3 fatty acids rich foods like salmon are the natural mood boosters. Almonds are highly enriched with magnesium, a mineral that helps manage cortisol levels. Oranges and other citrus fruits contain vitamin C helps to reduce blood pressure.


4. Yoga


Yoga is a combined both mind-body practice and physical poses with breathing techniques and meditation. Women who envolves yoga three times a week achieved significant reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression.


5. Meditation


There are many meditation methods too that can help you focus your mind on an object, activity, or though to help you achieve calmness. Although the goal of meditation is not stress reduction, that is a side effect of this ancient practice.


6. Develop Time-Management Skills


Time-management skill is an important part of stress reduction is self-care. For many, this involves managing your time as effectively as possible.


You can improve your time-management skills by


  • Knowing your deadlines


  • Planning ahead


  • Setting goals


  • Avoiding procrastination




Here, in this blog, we have discussed how stress affects digestion. Stress can put lots of negative impact on your body as well as your digestion. So, to improve your gut it is quite important to keep the stress away from you.


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