Is Rhinoplasty Safe? Know About Some Key Factors Of It

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Rhinoplasty, usually known as the nose job, is a medical procedure that changes the shape of the nose. This change can be done by modifying nose’s bone or cartilage.


This is one of the most common and popular types of plastic surgery, which is practiced for both cosmetic as well as medical purposes.


But if we talk with respect to a medical procedure like any other process, the rhinoplasty procedure has its own set of some risks, which can be outcome effect of the surgery.


No matter your final goal regarding the process but maintaining your overall health should be a top priority for you and of course your surgeon too.


Most rhinoplasty procedures are problem-free, but yet patients or the person who wants to undergo the procedure should be aware of the potential side effects and risks of rhinoplasty.



Following Are Some Factors That Determine If Your Rhinoplasty/Nose Cosmetic Surgery Is Safe Or Not:


The Experience of the Surgeon:

Not only for rhinoplasty but for every type of medical and cosmetic surgery, you will need experience level of a surgeon that will surely determine how safe a nose job will be.


An experienced surgeon is well aware of the demands and limits of the procedure. The doctor will take all the required steps to ensure that your requirements are well matched within the boundaries of the procedure. At the same time, the surgeon will provide you with the required psychological counseling that will help you during your process.


Your surgeon will also be well aware of the measures to be taken if any emergencies arise during the procedure, or when unexpected side effects arise.



Type of Procedure You are Opting for:

The rhinoplasty procedure comes under two categories including the open surgery and closed surgery. Each of these types of surgeries come with different requirements and risks.


The closed rhinoplasty has the standard procedure that makes incisions within the nose. This standard procedure does not leave any external scars and has a shorter healing period.


While in an open surgery, involves making incisions across the lower or mid nose below the nostrils. This provides an easy exposure to the bone or cartilage structure that makes up the nose.



Your Medical Profile:

Your medical profile plays an important role in determining the risks of rhinoplasty. If you have a previous disease, such as diabetes or a bleeding disorder, you can increase the risk of surgery.


You should consult your doctor before going through this process to see if you are responsible for the procedure.

Although cosmetic nose surgery can be problem-free, patients should be aware of the potential side effects and risks of this procedure.


They must also know their own personal risk factors that can influence the outcome of the procedure. Contacting your doctor is the perfect way to find out how this procedure will affect you in the long run.





Before you consider any type of the surgical procedure, you should always understand the risks associated with the surgery.


In case of rhinoplasty which is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed each year, carries the same potential risks as all other operations.


For achieving aesthetic goals and maintaining overall health you should always take care while choosing your surgeon.

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