Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Nowadays we are very much into a body shape and weight loss. For having a perfect body shape or losing weight we try a bunch of things such as dieting, exercising, and so on.. One of the dieting type of “Yo-Yo Dieting.” But the big question is “is yo-yo dieting good for your health?” Yo-yo dieting is a type of diet that people often use to control their weight or to lose weight. The whole process is also known as weight cycling. Well, due to this diet, once you lose weight, it changes your appetite and eating habits, which means after some time, your appetite increases and your weight starts increasing.


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With this, you get into the same or more worse condition as before. This whole process is known as ‘yo-yo effect.’ According to several doctors and dieticians, this type of diet is extremely dangerous for your health. This diet could also lead your health to more risk of a heart attack.



Well, doctors or healthcare providers also suggests that people with changes in their weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar may be more likely to have strokes and heart attacks than those with stable measurements.



According to a study published in the periodical “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology” reveals that those people who follow yo-yo dieting are more like to have problems related to their health and unpredictable weight gain and loss.




Top 7 Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting and Answer of the Question “Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health?”


1. Leads to Unhealthy Connection With Your Body


When you are in yo-yo dieting no matters what but your body is undergoing towards unhealthy patterns whether it’s your eating style, sleeping style or exercising style. It also impacts your emotional toll over your mental wellness.


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting




2. It Affects Your Metabolism


Yo-yo dieting reduces your basal metabolic rate that results in damaging your metabolism. In more scientific words, calorie that is deprivation for more than 21 days can cause a direct change in the basal metabolic rate for matching the calorie intake that you consume. This results in an increase in appetite, constant food cravings, and the decrease in your metabolism.


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting






3. It Heads to Depression


The psychological effects of this dieting can be severe such as depression and a lack of confidence. This depression and a lack of confidence are may the due to continues thinking about body shape and related things.


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting



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4. Develop Different Eating Patterns


By undergoing different exercises and habits during the dieting will surely develop different eating patterns in you.


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting




5. Weight Loss Results Are Never Consistent


If you are undergoing something which is unusual then it results will not last for long. Same happens with this dieting, the amount of weight that you reduce will never remain consistent.


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting




6. It Enhances Inflammation


With so many harmful effects that yo-yo dieting can have on the overall health and well-being, a person ultimately risking your chances of living a long


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting




7. Impact on Your Lifespan


After following this diet, your lifespan decreases because due to these eating patterns and continuous increase in diseases have a negative effect on your health.


Is Yo-Yo Dieting Good For Your Health: Reasons to Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting







From the above topmost reasons are enough to answer the question “is yo-yo dieting good for your health?”I personally do not follow this diet to lose weight as it harms my health not only physically but also mentally.


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