9 Important Questions You Should Ask Your Diabetologist

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

It is said that visiting lawyers and doctors is like a lifetime thing. You cannot escape a case or an illness easily. So here we are, this time telling about Questions You Should Ask Your Diabetologist.


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Yes, it is important to enquire about what you are supposed to do and take care of. You are suffering from a disease and that must be taken care of. It is important for many reasons. It helps you keep your health on track.


Why questions you should ask your diabetologist important?


It is important to understand that why question you should ask your diabetologist is important. What must they know and not know about you? What you must know about them?


As unaware patients, your first approach must be to ask what the problem is. You must be informed about your condition before jumping in to know treatments. In this term, little knowledge can be dangerous. In situations where your family members or friends are outside, you must know what are they suffering from. Hence, it becomes important to know what is the severity of the condition.


What are the questions you should ask your diabetologist?


Here is a list of questions you should ask your diabetologist. It is for every diabetic if diagnosed with type 2 for diabetic management ina better way.


1) What are the signs that my blood sugar is too low or high?


You must ask about the symptoms. Like if and when is your blood sugar too high or too low. Signs and symptoms that can tell about it. Weight loss and weight gain both can be the symptoms, for example. So you must get cleared on these grounds.


2) What should I do if my blood sugar gets too low or high?


Questions You Should Ask Your Diabetologist include the methods of going through fluctuating sugar level. You have to ask, what should you do in case the sugar level fluctuates too much. And we are sure your doctor will help, as it is a major concern for a diabetic.


3) When should I have my A1C checked next?


Management of your diabetes is important. Unless you do not take care of everything you can have problems. It even includes your tests to measure your sugar levels.


4) How much should I be exercising? Should I take any special precautions?


Exercise is important, and if you are diabetic, a minimum of 30 minutes walk or run and jog is important. Other than that you must know what all precautions to take while doing these exercises. Questions you should ask your diabetologist must include these.


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5) What kind of complications does diabetes cause?


A must and one of the important questions you should ask your diabetologist. Diabetes brings many complications of diabetes along with it. This might include kidney, heart and even blood pressure.


6) Am I dealing with any complication?


Questions you should ask your diabetologist can also list the doubt of complication. In case you think you are going through more than diabetes, you have to ask your doctor. They will tell you to get checked up for the kidney and heart.


7) What kind of diet to follow?


In any chronic disease, your diet and lifestyle habits are important. If you tend to ignore it, you can face trouble. You must include this point in questions you should ask your diabetologist. Ask what to eat and what not to.


8) How much sugar is good and how much is bad?


In the end, it is a disease caused by sugar levels fluctuating in your body. Now, when you have questions you should ask your diabetologist, ask how much sugar is good. Being diabetic never means to have no sugar at all.


9) Is taking insulin all the time helpful?


Well, you must ask this question to not be in doubt. Some say that insulin is always important and you must carry it all the time. But be clear about your condition in this sense.


With these set of questions you should ask your diabetologist, we are sure you will be clear on your condition. We encourage you to be fully informed about your health. We have therefore suggested important questions to ask your diabetologist. If you need appointments you can visit our website.


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