Your Diabetes Care Team Help to Manage Diabetes

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z

To help you manage diabetes and keep you in good health, your diabetes care team indeed works hard. Interestingly, you are the most important member of this team because you are the one with diabetes and have to live with it.


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The whole diabetes care team depends upon the person with diabetes. Of course, only that person can tell the truth about how he/she feels. The team involves different healthcare professionals and you, who work together to manage your condition.


Members of the diabetes care team


You will have to get help from different healthcare professionals to manage your condition. The diabetes care team includes:


1. You (the person with diabetes)


Understand, you’re the one with diabetes and the team is formed to help you.  Naturally, you are the one with a significant role as only you can tell how you feel. The whole team depends upon the information that you provide related to your body. Tell your doctor about whether the current treatment is helpful or not by monitoring your blood sugar.


2. Primary care doctor


After you, another core member of the team is the primary care doctor. The one who you go to for general check-ups. You will work with the doctor to create a care plan depending upon your condition. Further, the doctor will recommend you to other members of your diabetes care team.


3.  Endocrinologist (Diabetes and hormone doctor)


The next member of the diabetes care team is the one who has specialized knowledge and experience in diabetes and other diseases of the endocrine system. Yes, an endocrinologist is the one who treats people with diabetes.


4. Dietitian


A dietitian is an expert in nutrition and meal planning. The dietitian will help in including food that you like in a diabetes-friendly diet or will make a healthy substitution to manage your condition. Food has it’s importance in diabetes treatment, so the dietitian will make necessary adjustments on considering your weight, lifestyle, and health goals, such as lowering blood sugar levels.


5. Diabetes educator


A registered nurse (diabetes nurse practitioner) or diabetes educator is specialized in caring and teaching people with diabetes. The diabetes educator will help you out with things that you need to take care of as well as guide you to live healthily even with diabetes.


6. Ophthalmologist (Eye doctor)


Diabetes impacts the other parts of the body, including the eyes. A person with diabetes must visit an ophthalmologist or eye doctor regularly to discover the issue early (if in case). Early detection can prevent further serious complications.


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7. Podiatrist (Foot doctor)


Diabetes patients are prone to diabetic foot. The serious complication of diabetes in which diabetic patients have the risk of developing pathological conditions such as infection, diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, and peripheral vascular disease. So, it becomes necessary to consult a podiatrist or foot doctor to regularly examining the condition of your foot.


8. Dentist


The risk of oral infection and gum diseases is higher in people with diabetes. Worryingly, oral problems like infection or periodontal disease are an obstacle in controlling blood sugar levels. It is recommended to let your dentist know that you are diabetic and get a routine check-up.


9. Trainer or Physical Therapist


Exercise is an important part of diabetes management. Exercising can increase the body’s ability to use insulin effectively. However, a trainer or physical therapist can help you in resolving your doubts and will prepare an exercising plan particularly for you.


10. Psychologist


For some people, it can become difficult to live with diabetes and tend to suffer some emotional breakdown. In that scenario, getting help from a Psychologist will help you resolve all your troubles.


Got familiar with the member of the diabetes care team, now what? You should get more engaged in your overall health by maintaining a home blood sugar monitoring record. Visit your doctor, share the record, tell him how do you feel or if you are facing any eye, nerve, kidney, or cardiovascular problems.

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