7 Tips of Self-Care During The Second Wave, A Bonus

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

There is nothing to hide about the country going through a tough time. It is only necessary to take self-care in the second wave to help people around us and ourselves get away with the problem. What is this second wave and why is it way more dangerous than the first Coronavirus wave?


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The reason that everywhere there is mayhem about the second wave is the new increase in the number of deaths in the country. The variant that everyone is talking about has taken such a toll that it needs more attention.

So, here we are giving all the tips and care that you must take for self-care in the second wave. Follow them and other instructions and you will be fine.


Tips Of Self Care During Second Wave


Get on with your power suit and beat this virus by making sure you take care of yourself in the best way possible. 

1. Try to use double masking if you are outside


Tips Of Self Care During Second Wave COVID, use double masking, Sanitizer, eating healthy food, drink enough water, Meditation

We know how uncomfortable it is to keep self-care in the second wave when it comes to masking. Only one mask cannot be saved anymore. Even the WHO has requested to go on for double masking. This is because the variant is difficult to manage at this point and only double masking can help to prevent it.

2. Make Sanitizer your best friend


You need to carry your hand sanitizer everywhere possible! It is now the part of your Bike chain clip or the mini makeup kit that you carry with you. Do not get away without it at any cost!

3. Try making your eating habits more healthy


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It is no time to hogg all the junk in your fridge or order more from outside. To make sure that your self-care in the second wave is at its best, then stop taking junk.

Junk food increases the chance of you being sick or unwell. That is exactly what the virus attacks more, a sick person!

4. Drink enough water

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This is a brainer, you need to keep yourself hydrated. You must have seen that the need for oxygen in the body is important. However, what circulates the Oxygen to the rest of the body is water, as water is necessary for the blood formation in the body.

Have we not told you already that self-care during the second wave with water is the skin secret too?


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5. Meditation or just a little stretching can be great!


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This is the best time to get those curves in the right place. Those who have been struggling with obesity must take extra note of this, it is important. The high amount of fat might lead to lower immunity which is extremely harmful in these times.

Meditation is important to keep all the negativity away from yourself. This is the most underrated self-care during the second wave and we are still not realizing the power of meditation.

6. Talk to your friends, On A CALL! 


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It is the best time to check on your friends. This will help you and your friend bond better. It will make them feel good and caring. In these desperate times, that is all one must have!

7. Spend time with your families


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Everyone is losing someone near and dear to them. If you have your family with you and they are safe, cherish it! Nothing matters more than your family. You must spend enough time and thank almighty, they are with you!


8. Bonus! Start a routine like a hobby


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Painting, sketching, writing, or just singing some random song! All are counted. It helps you cope with the surrounding in a much better way. It only adds to the positivity to keep going.

We cannot tell you how and when will all of this be over. We can say that self-care during the second wave is a good start to keep yourself healthier and your family closer. Do not worry, this too shall pass!

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