7 Must Follow Social Media Tips For Children

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Nowadays, social media is controlling everyone’s life. Everything is around the social media world today. Due to these online classes, kids are also started using the phone for so long which are impacting their health very badly. This makes us give social media tips for teenagers so that it can be harmless and give you more right things.


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There was a time when only children were into social media, but now even parents are addicted to the platform and are seen as more interested than kids. So this write-up is not just for the children, we are calling out to the parents also.


What is social media and why is it wrong?


Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.


It is not wrong, you must know how to use it. Social media is a platform that you can use in the best way possible. It becomes a bad habit when you overuse it. If you take the wrong advantage of it, you are bound to face problems, as a kid and a parent. Hence social media tips for parents and children are important equally.


Some Social Media Tips for Children


Once you become a parent you have to take care of a better growing kid, also your own parenting. Keeping that in mind, let us know the various things that must be taken care of in social media tips for children.


Set a time limit


Social media has made interaction lesser and lesser by day. No one talks to each other but they rather feel like “texting”. Hence, there should be a set limit to the amount and time that social media can be used. A major social media tip for children.


Keep your child’s and your profile private


Most social media sites give you the option to make your account private. This means that only people who your child has friended will be able to see the content on their profile. This is an important step to take in order to keep their content private and away from people who may misuse it.


Talk to your child


As a parent, you must talk about these new things. This way you will be able to understand the recent technology as well as and it will help the relationship between you and your kid grow stronger. Social media tips for children must include the interaction part.


Do not start shouting at your kids. You need to understand their generation as well. You are not always harmed by the social media influx.


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Use privacy settings


We know most parents are not disturbed by anything but the privacy of their kids. Privacy settings are important. Go through them together to make sure your kids understand each one. Also, explain that passwords are there to protect them against things like identity theft. They should never share them with anyone, even a boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend.


Never allow them to accept friend requests from people they don’t know


This may be self-explanatory, but there are a lot of people out there who use social media to stalk people and steal their information to cause harm. It’s always best practice to only accept friend requests from people your child knows such as their friends and family.


Don’t allow them to post photos or videos which jeopardize their safety or character


While most people post pictures and videos with the best intentions, it’s easy for things to be taken the wrong way or out of context and when everyone is online, the wrong message can have long-lasting consequences. Talk to your kids about this and make sure they understand to only post pictures and videos that present themselves and others in a positive light.




Social media tips for children must be taken into account when both are using the platform in different ways. You can get more information on the various topics on our website.


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