How Tomatoes May Restore Lung Damage Caused by Smoking?

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Well, we all are aware of it that smoking is injurious to health as it damages the lung and leads to cancer. But you will be surprised to know that tomatoes may restore lung damage caused by smoking.


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How Tomatoes May Restore Lung Damage Caused by Smoking?




Yes, you heard right, a study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland appeared in the periodical “European Respiratory Journal” which reveals that a diet rich in tomatoes and fruits gives many health benefits such as tomatoes may restore lung damage caused by smoking and restoring lung function among ex-smokers.




How the Study Supports “Tomatoes May Restore Lung Damage Caused by Smoking”


Smoking cessation successfully reduces the risk of disease such as lung diseases like lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as early death.


According to doctors, the lungs begin to heal as soon as the smoking is stopped by a person. While the response is quick to start, the lungs show improvement. Furthermore, stopping smoking alone does not completely stop the risk of developing a smoking-related lung disease.


Another factor for the same which is needed to consider is that the lungs are fully mature by 22–25 years of age. After the age of 35, the functioning of lung begins to decline, and breathing becomes progressively more difficult. This eventually leads to the diaphragm weakens that further decreases the ability to breathe in and out, hence the muscles lose elasticity that helps in the airways, alveoli lose their shape, and the brain part that regulates breathing sends weaker signals to the lungs.


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Previous research demonstrated that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits that may reduce the risk of COPD in the present and former smokers. In fact, each additional daily serving was linked to lower a 4–8 percent health risk.


A new study further suggests that consuming a diet high in vegetables and fruits, particularly tomatoes and apples helps in slowing down the decline in lung function among ex-smokers.


This finding suggests that there may be particular components in tomatoes and apples that help in repairing the lung damage that results from smoking.


In a statement Vanessa Garcia-Larsen, lead study author, states that “Our study suggests that eating more fruits on a regular basis can help attenuate the decline as people age, and might even help repair damage caused by smoking. Diet could become one way of combating the rising diagnosis of COPD around the world.






The above study depicts that apples and tomatoes may restore lung damage caused by smoking. If you are a new ex-smoker than it doesn’t mean that it will not help you out. As soon as a person stop or quit smoking, the person should start taking more fruits and vegetables as it helps in restoring the lung functions.


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