Woman’s health tips for a healthy lifestyle! by Dr. Sudha Jetly

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z

Heads-up ladies, it’s time for a healthier you. Every woman understands the number of twists and turns they have to go through and the number of compromises they have to make. When it comes to health, do no more compromises. Look as well as feel healthy with some woman’s health tips.


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Follow 7 Super Woman’s Health Tips


For a healthy heart, mind, and body, you just need the right diet and exercise. Ensure good health with some simple and effective woman’s health tips.

1. Lace-up your shoes


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The best way to keep your heart, mind, and body healthy is to exercise regularly. Exercising for at least 30 minutes with aerobic or cardio can protect you from heart diseases. Know that cardio alone cannot work wonders. For optimal health combine cardio with strength training.


2. Vitamins for women health


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You can add multivitamins but nothing can beat vitamin-rich food. The essential healthy fiber and nutrients that vitamin-rich food offers can add-up extra benefits. For the same, just eat plenty of colorful food to meet the requirement of your vitamins, minerals, and fibers, with or without supplements. And stay healthy with woman’s health tips.


3. Eat right, with a balanced diet



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Eating a healthy diet is the bedrock of a healthy life. For maintaining overall health, a balanced diet plays a significant role.  A balanced diet provides essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins, to the body for growth and development. Also, diet is an essential part of a woman’s health tips.


Start with kicking out the unhealthy food and adding healthy food. Get your fridge on-stock with good stuff like:


  • Veggies and fruits
  • Whole grain
  • Fiber-rich foods
  • Healthy fats
  • Low-fat dairy


4. Get onto healthy aging


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Aging is a part of the natural process neither you can stop it nor intervene in it.  But you can make aging a healthy process that majorly depends upon a healthy lifestyle. The efforts you will make today for a healthier life will make your tomorrow fruitful. The efforts involve a healthy diet, regular exercise, and timely screening.


Beside protect your skin from wrinkles, age spots, and even cancer, by using Sunscreen and wearing protective clothing to avoid harmful effects of the sun.


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5. Safe sex practices


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Women’s sexual health impacts the overall health of women. Your concern for sexual health keeps on changing at every stage of life. At the beginning of the sexually active year, your concern revolves around protecting oneself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), finding a birth control plan that suits you better, and having regular STI screenings, Pap smears, and pelvic exams.


A safe and healthy sexual life can offer you something more than burning calories. Women with a healthy sex life have a lower risk of cardiovascular problems than men. So, make this a bullet point in your woman’s health tips guide.



6. Beware of breast cancer


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Breast cancer is the most common and frightening problem that women face around the globe. One with a family history of breast cancer is at a higher risk of developing the condition. It is recommended for women with a risk of developing cancer to go for screening every two years.



7. Don’t let stress overpower you



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With so many things to look after, you might feel like drowning in the pool of stress. Stress can cause various health problems, such as infertility, depression, anxiety, and heart disease. You can deal with stress and overcome these problems with some relaxing techniques, such as yoga, meditation, exercises, and therapy.


Know and Prevent: Effective woman’s health tips


Certain conditions are more common in women or the impact is different in a woman. The conditions include heart disease, stroke, urinary tract problems, and osteoarthritis.


You can prevent such problems with the help of 7 effective woman’s health tips shared above. Additionally, quitting smoking as well as distancing yourself from secondhand smoke can reduce the risk of the above-mentioned disease and infection. Drugs and alcohol are some other risk factors that affect your health.


Lastly yet importantly- following the above effective woman’s health tips can be beneficial in many ways but make sure to visit your doctor regularly for checkups and screening. Invest your tody in your health for a better tomorrow.


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