Celebrating The Unsung Hero This World Blood Donor Day

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


One of the noblest gestures in the world is to donate blood to the ones who really need it. Hence, to celebrate this great cause, we celebrate the World Blood donor day. Even this year, we are doing the same. Around the world, there are so many cases where people need blood to cure themselves and save lives. The day is the combination of events for saying thank you to those unpaid blood donors for saving others’ life without their own benefits.


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World Blood Donor Day 2020


These blood donors offer life-saving gifts to patients as well as raise awareness regarding the need for regular blood donations for safety, quality, and availability of blood and blood products for patients who are in need.


Safe blood saves lives


This year, World Blood Donor Day will once again be celebrated around the world on 14 June. The event serves to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gift of blood. It is also to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure that all individuals and communities have access to affordable and timely supplies of safe and quality-assured blood.


The WHO has put up a campaign this year to spread the idea throughout the world. The campaign theme for this year’s World Blood Donor Day is “Safe blood saves lives” with the slogan “Give blood and make the world a healthier place”. The idea is to focus on the contribution an individual giver can make to improve health for others in the community.


Blood donations are needed all over the world to ensure individuals and communities have access to safe and quality-assured blood and blood products in both normal and emergency situations.


As per the objectives of the campaign, here are the following things it includes


To celebrate and thank individuals who donate blood and encourage more people to start donating;


Raise wider awareness of the urgent need to increase the availability of safe blood for use wherever and whenever it is needed to save a life;


To demonstrate the need for universal access to safe blood transfusion and provide advocacy on its role in the provision of effective health care and in achieving universal health coverage;


Mobilize support at national, regional, and global levels among governments and development partners to invest in, strengthen, and sustain national blood programs.


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What are the Healthy Reasons to Donate Blood?


1. Maintains Healthy Heart & liver


Blood donation is very helpful in reducing the risk of heart and liver ailments caused by the iron overload in the body. Eating rich- iron diet increases the iron levels in the body, and since only limited proportions can be absorbed, excess iron gets stored in the heart, liver, and pancreas.


2. Stimulates Blood Cell Production


After blood donation, the body works to replenish the blood loss. This stimulates the production of new blood cells and in turn, helps in maintaining good health.


3. Weight Loss


Blood donation reduces the weight of the donors. This is also helpful to those who are obese and are at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and other health disorders. However, blood donation should not be very frequent and you may consult your doctor before donating blood to avoid any health issues.


4. Anti- Cancer Benefits


Blood donation helps in reducing the risk of cancer, by donating blood the iron stores in the body are maintained at healthy levels.


Hence, the noble cause of blood donation makes you an unsung hero. This World Blood Donor Day, 2020 let us understand the gesture and try helping more and more lives around you.


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