World Hypertension Day 2018

Tanuja Bisht

, News

The World Hypertension Day is celebrated annually on May 17 in an effort to raise awareness among the public regarding hypertension, its complications, and preventive measures.


World Hypertension Day was first celebrated on May 14 in the year 2005 which is organized by the World Hypertension League (WHL).



History Related to the World Hypertension Day:


The celebration of the World Hypertension Day across the world was started and established by the World Hypertension League ( it is a coalition of regional and national hypertension organizations).


The World Hypertension League is a health organization that leads around 80-85 national hypertension societies and associations worldwide.


These organizations started the campaign regarding hypertension day to increase the common public awareness about hypertension.


The day was aimed to fill the gap of the lack of appropriate knowledge among people regarding hypertension and people suffering of it.


The World Hypertension League organization had launched the World Hypertension Day campaign first time on May 14 in 2005 however it was started celebrating dedicatedly every year on May 17 since 2006.




Why is the World Hypertension Day Celebrated?


The World Hypertension Day is celebrated every year since 2005 to spread the information regarding the maintenance of normal blood pressure among the public.


Hypertension also means the High Blood Pressure that causes various complications in the body that ultimately lead to the higher risk of the heart stroke, eye disorders, kidney disease, coma or even death.


Blood pressure can be easily measured at a hospital or home using acceptable measuring device known as BP apparatus.


According to the latest statistics, it is noted that approx 3 out of ten people are suffering from hypertension all across the world.


Approximately 1.8 billion of the people globally are suffering from the high blood pressure and about 50% of them are totally unaware of their hypertension condition as well as some of them who are aware of their condition does not take any step or medical treatment for their blood pressure.


Following are some of the aims of celebrating the World Hypertension Day campaign including;


  • The day is an effort to motivate the public for a regular checkup of their blood pressure.


  • To encourage the people those who are suffering from hypertension on a global basis to go to their health practitioner for a proper treatment and a regular checkup.


  • The campaign is also for promoting all the public especially young people and youths to maintain the normal weight, normal blood pressure, normal cholesterol level, healthy living, regular physical exercise, and healthy eating.


  • The campaign is for encouraging people to leave their bad habits such as drinking alcohol, oily and fatty diet, lazy routine, fried and spicy diet, obese, overweight, and smoking.


  • The day is also important for motivating the people for a regular checkup of their blood pressure and health.


  • The day also aware the public about the blood pressure, high blood pressure, complications related to it, how to maintain normal blood pressure, healthy lifestyle, and how to maintain weight.


  • The campaign is also to encouraging all the medical professionals and doctors for providing proper treatment and regular checkup to patients.


  • The day can bring a revolution among the public for living a healthy lifestyle with healthy habits.


  • The day can also help in setting up more health centers and hospitals for common public.


  • The campaign can promote early detection, control of arterial hypertension, and prevention in the vulnerable populations.
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