What Is The Hip Replacement Surgery Cost In Australia?

Zaid Siddiqui

, Treatments



The land of Australia comprises a wide variety of landscapes, climates, and quality lifestyles. Nevertheless, this country is not only famous for its lavishing lifestyle but also has a prominent presence in the medical sector. As a premier healthcare destination for people worldwide, Australia has widely developed its medical facilities with quality, safety, and technological advancement. Intense research and development drives the medical sector, and the nation’s strict regulatory environment guarantees excellent medical care.


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Medical tourists across the world frequently visit Australia for their treatment. It offers various treatments in almost every specialization, such as hip replacement. Hip replacement is one of the famous procedures typically performed for arthritis and persistent hip pain. This procedure is gaining popularity due to its high 85 – 90% success rate. In this article, we will learn about the Hip Replacement Surgery Cost In Australia.



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What Is Hip Replacement Surgery?


Hip replacement is a procedure in which the damaged or defective area of the hip joint, which is usually made of metal, plastic, and ceramic, is replaced, replicating how the hip joint works in nature. This artificial joint, also known as a prosthesis, is mainly used to reduce hip pain and improve hip functioning.


The whole procedure of hip replacement is also known as hip arthroplasty. It is a very advanced procedure usually performed via minimally invasive methods. Typically, this procedure is outpatient, meaning you don’t need to stay in the hospital overnight.


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Why Do We Need Hip Replacement Surgery?


Typically, in old age, many people have arthritis, hip pain, and tumors in the hip joint. In such conditions, the quality of life becomes disrupted, and one can’t perform any physically demanding activity. Hip replacement surgery may be required to restore function and enhance quality of life if these treatments are ineffective in reducing pain and stiffness. Hip replacement is done in people older than 60, but in some cases, youngsters may experience this surgery for various reasons, such as hip injury.


Conditions that may raise the chances of hip replacement include:


  • If you are not getting proper sleep due to hip pain
  • If you went through any past trauma or hip injury
  • If you are not able to perform any physically demanding activities
  • If you are suffering from disorders that cause unusual bone growth (bone dysplasias)
  • Worsens when using a walker or cane to move around
  • Impedes one’s ability to climb or descend stairs



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What Are The Different Types Of Hip Replacement Surgery?


There are three significant types of hip replacement surgery in Australia:


  • Total Hip Replacement: A total hip replacement, or partial hip replacement, is a standard orthopedic treatment involving removing and replacing the hip joint with a hip implant.


  • Partial Hip Replacement: This procedure is typically used for older people, in which only the ball under the joint, not the socket, is replaced.


  • Hip ResurfacingA typical hip replacement procedure in which the replacement is done under the limited bone removal from the joint. It shows effective results in young people or those who have stronger bones.



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What Are The Pre-operative Evaluations of Hip Replacement Surgery?


Before the surgery, your doctor may recommend some pre-operative evaluation within 30 days before your surgery. In this procedure, you may undergo some diagnostic tests.


Following are the tests that may be included in your pre-operative evaluation in Australia:


  • Medical Evaluation: In this process, your doctor asks about your medical history and gathers information about your overall health. Typically, in this way, your doctor may plan the surgery.


  • Physical Examination: It determines the compatibility of your body to undergo hip replacement by analyzing the physical state of your body.


  • MRI Scan: It is an advanced imaging technique that helps get a high-quality, detailed image of the damaged area with the help of a magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves.


  • CT Scan: An X-ray image produced by a type of tomography in which the mobility of the detectors and X-ray source is managed by a computer, which also handles the data processing and image production.


  • X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that helps check the area of damage or deformities near your hip joint.


  • BMP: Eight blood components are assessed by a Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP), which provides information on the body’s balance and metabolism for general health.


  • Urinalysis: Urine is analyzed physically, chemically, and microscopically to check for the presence of medications, diseases, etc, to avoid future complications.


  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)The electrical signals produced by the heart are recorded by an ECG, which facilitates painless health monitoring and quick problem identification.



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What Are The Benefits Of Hip Replacement Surgery In Australia?


Hip replacement surgery is considered to be the most usable form of treatment across the world. Australia is very famous among the people for its highly specialized hip replacement surgery, which has a significant success rate. About 95% of patients who underwent hip replacement in Australia have an excellent outcome with significant relief in pain and improvement in function.


This procedure can benefit in the following ways:

  • Pain relief
  • High success rate
  • Improved strength and mobility
  • Long-lasting results
  • Enhanced quality of life


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What Are The Risk Factors Of Hip Replacement Surgery?


Despite being a joint operation with a high success rate, this procedure carries some risk factors. Mainly, old patients have higher chances of becoming victims; these risk factors include:


  • Nerve damage
  • Risk of dislocation after hip replacement
  • Risk of DVT and blood clots after hip replacement
  • Infection
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • General wear and tear


Note: Typically, these risk factors are scarce; 0.6 to 3.7% of patients may experience this condition.



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How Long Does It Take To Recover After Hip Replacement In Australia?


The estimated time of recovery after hip replacement is around six weeks. However, if you cannot perform various strenuous activities, it may take up to 3 months with routine checkups and proper medications. In some rare cases, this period can extend up to 12 months to get the full benefits of hip replacement.


What Is The Cost Of Hip Replacement Surgery Cost In Australia?


The cost of hip replacement in Australia lies between USD 20,000 and USD 42,000, depending on the patient’s condition and the chosen healthcare facility.


While South Africa is becoming an alternative for medical travelers, India has already cemented its position as one of the most favored medical destinations in the hearts and minds of its travelers. There are several reasons to support this statement, such as:


  • Advanced medical technology
  • Presence of renowned doctors
  • Top healthcare chains
  • Affordable, high-quality treatments
  • Easy availability of ancillary services
  • Large English-speaking population
  • Cultural affinity and availability of various cuisines
  • Wide range of procedures
  • Treatment along with tourism
  • Presence of alternative medicinal systems


Moreover, India offers the same treatment at one-fifth of the price (USD 5000 to USD 6000). India is also well-known for offering renowned and breakthrough treatments for treating various diseases. Hip replacement surgery in India is one of the most affordable around the world.


Unlike South Africa, the subcontinent has multiple cities providing world-class, affordable healthcare to all, with Chennai leading the list. India is also home to some of the renowned healthcare chains like Apollo Hospitals, Yashoda Hospitals, etc, while having the presence of international chains like Dubai-based DM Healthcare Group. India is also one of the few countries with many JCI-accredited hospitals.


However, what sets India apart is the availability of alternative medicinal systems like Yoga and Ayurveda. The government is doing its bit to promote medical tourism in the country by:


  • Launching schemes to formalize the medical tourism industry
  • Providing provisions for E-visas
  • AYUSH visa for Indian medicinal systems


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FAQs Related To Hip Replacement Surgery Cost In Australia


Q: How long does it take to recover from hip replacement?

A: Various observations show the expected time for recovery after hip replacement surgery. On average, hip replacement recovery can take around two to four weeks, but this period may vary from person to person.


Q: What you can’t do after a hip replacement?

A: After surgery, your doctor provides you with a list of things to remember with a new hip. Various activities may lead to a rise in the chances for complications that are strictly recommended under the criteria of “don’t.” such activities are:

  • You may able to cross your legs at the knees for at least 6 to 8 weeks
  • You may not be able to raise your legs higher than your hips.
  • You may face problems in sitting
  • Don’t bend at the waist beyond 90°


Q: What is the success rate of hip replacement surgery?

A: Several observations suggest that about 95% of patients experience relief after hip replacement if there are no complications after surgery.



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Choose GoMedii For The Best Hip Replacement Surgery Cost In India.


If you want to know India’s best hip replacement surgery cost, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


We have tie-ups with one of India’s most reputed hospitals to get you the best treatment at an affordable cost. Furthermore, to avail yourself of our packages, you can contact us on our website or at +91 9599004311. Additionally, you can also email us at connect@gomedii.com. Our team will respond to you on a priority basis.


Feel free to drop your queries through this form. Our team of experts will contact you!


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