Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment In India At Low Cost

Somya Verma

, Treatments

They say that with age our bodies go through many changes. It is however necessary to keep a little more care of your bone health. Why is it so? To answer this question we would rather explain how one of our queries from Oman gave us a chance to look into Lumbar Disk disease treatment in India.


Our bones become hollow with age. You must have seen ads that encourage you to drink milk and get more calcium because bone density seems to decrease as you age. This causes a lot of orthopedic conditions. We will read about one here, and get to know more!


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What is the Lumbar Region in the body?


Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment In India, lumbar disc disease, lumbar disc causes hip pain, signs of lumbar disc prolapse, lumbar disc herniation causes paralysis, cost of Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India, Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment Hospital in India


You must be thinking about what exactly the “lumbar region” we are talking about. In our body, it is described as the lower back region of your spinal column or backbone. It is made up of five bones (L1-L5). Other structures in or around your lumbar spine are your intervertebral disks, spinal cord, nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India at Low Cost


Orthopedic issues have seen a rise over the years. This has seen a major rise in issues related to the spine and back. Given this fact, we at GoMedii received numerous queries one being related to Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India. While LDD is not the only problem that affects people of every age, there are other major conditions as well.


The unfortunate aspect is that not every country has the necessary arrangements and medical. That is why Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India or any other treatment will be a good option, just drop your queries now!


How to treat lumbar disc disease?


What exactly is the treatment? How does it help? What is the process? Well, we will tell you everything. Remember that once you are diagnosed, you must see the doctor as soon as possible or just drop the query with us.


Before we explain how the treatment is done, you must know something called the “herniated disc” What is this? The herniated disc is when your lumbar disk continues to break down, and the inner nucleus pulposus may get affected or ruptured.


This is a ruptured, or herniated, disk. The fragments of disc material can then press on the nerve roots located just behind the disk space.


When the situation gets a little complicated and the milder treatment options are not working, it is an indication that you need surgery. Surgery is done under general anesthesia. The Doctor will make an incision in your lower back over the area.


This is where the disc is herniated. In some cases, bones from the back of the spine may be removed to gain access to the disc. The doctor will remove the herniated part of the disc and any extra loose pieces from the disc space.


After surgery, you may be restricted from activity for several weeks while you heal to prevent another disc herniation. Your surgeon will discuss any restrictions with you.

Which lumbar disc causes hip pain?


It is terrible pain that made a lot of our patients eager to get themselves a Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you that you will suffer any less pain, because the conditions related to Orthopedic are always a painful affair.

What are the signs of lumbar disc prolapse?


Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment In India, lumbar disc disease, lumbar disc causes hip pain, signs of lumbar disc prolapse, lumbar disc herniation causes paralysis, cost of Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India, Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment Hospital in India


After reading that it might be painful, we are sure you would wish to know how can you get to read the symptoms and take the reaction without any wait:


  • Worsening back pain which becomes even more troublesome with sneezing and coughing
  • Spasms of the back muscles
  • Sciatica – pain that starts near the back or buttock and travels down the leg to the calf or into the foot
  • Muscle weakness in the legs
  • Numbness in the leg or foot
  • Decreased reflexes at the knee or ankle
  • Changes in bladder or bowel function


Can lumbar disc herniation cause paralysis?


A question that might pop up in your head is whether or not “can an untreated lumbar disc herniation cause paralysis”. The answer is yes, and that makes it important to be treated at the earliest.


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Is lumbar disc disease a disability?



Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment In India, lumbar disc disease, lumbar disc causes hip pain, signs of lumbar disc prolapse, lumbar disc herniation causes paralysis, cost of Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India, Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment Hospital in India


It is not a disability but a medical condition that you face. The factors range from age as well as injuries that anyone might have gone through.


What is the cost of Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment in India?


The cost ranges from 1000 USD up to 8000 USD depending highly on what kind of treatment the patient needs.


Where to Get Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment Hospital in India?


Check these hospitals out for the better and affordable treatment of your lumbar disc: 













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GoMedii is associated with top-class hospitals and doctors in India. If you choose us then we assure you that our team will try to make your treatment journey will be successful. Drop your queries for  Lumbar Disc Disease Treatment In India WhatsApp (+91 9599004311) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Contact Us Now! 


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